Keywords: Everything for the garden (16828294596).jpg 90 <br> ENDERSON'S <br> SUPERIOR <br> pOUBLE H OLLYHOCKS <br> Our Hollyhocks received the highest award a t the World's Columbian Exposition Chicago 1S93 <br> Grand summer and autumn flowering plants bearinglongnpikes of doubleflowers ' to 4 inches across <br> They are old inhabitants of our gardens but are now so improved in doulileness and enlarged in size <br> under our special culture and hybridization as to be revelations of gorgeous beauty to those ivho have <br> not seen these improved sorts Hardy biennial Tj to 8 feet high The seed we offer has been saveii from <br> our unrivaled collection of choicest iinproveil double varieties See cut <br> The Hollyhock scfd 1 had of <br> you two years ago I jilanted in ii <br> large mound and lastsuinnii'r tlmy <br> wcri'just lovely and much admired <br> by all who saw them <br> Mrs I T liROWXELL <br> Little Compton R I <br> In ordering some Hollyhocks <br> and Petunias from you last season <br> I thought youriirirestoo high and <br> ordered ha iant-t' from ottier art'irs <br> lint when youriilantsliloomed they <br> were so much superior to any ever <br> sf'fn here hy an vonethat I fjt more <br> than rep iid and it proved to mr <br> again tliat fre iuently the highest <br> prices are t he cheapest 1 have never <br> seen such magnificent llollyhncks <br> and Petunias either \orth or South <br> w H chadboi rn <br> Wilmington y C <br> HENDERSON'S SUPERIOR DOUBLE HOLLYHOCKS <br> Double Blush I'kt 10 <br> Canary Yellow 10 <br> Crimson 10 <br> DeepBose 10 <br> Lavender 10 <br> Lig-ht Apricot 10 VioletCentrelO- <br> Black 10- <br> Extra Choice Double Uized From named varieties lO <br> Imported collections of Superior Double Hollyhocks <br> 6 separate colors 40c IJ separate colors Toe <br> Double Maroon <br> Pink <br> Purple <br> Salmon <br> White <br> Pkt lO <br> 10 <br> 10 <br> 10- <br> 10 <br> Hardy ALLEGHENY <br> HOLLYHOCKS <br> HAnnOTH SEni-DOUBLE FRINGED FLOWERS <br> �� HESE e Minisitely beautiful Hollyhocks are nn entire break from the old-style formal flower- <br> L\ ing ones The tlowerH of this new type often measure i-i inches in diameter nearly as large as <br> � tea-plates ; but their great merits lie in the wondrous delicacy of coloring and te vture ; the semi- <br> double flowers are gracefully composed of fringed and crinkled petals resembling rosettes of daintiest <br> crushed satin The colors are shell pink rose and ruby red The plants are hardy and large robust <br> growers; the flowers are not closely huddled uji like other Hollyhocks but gracefull v and carelessl v <br> pUued among the large leafy liranches which exactly suits the airv style of flowers showing them off to <br> the best advantage; every bud clear to the top develops into a flower thereby considerablj- extending <br> the flowering period and us the flowers nmtui-e they drop from the Stem so tliat the plants are always <br> HABDY A1 I eGHI I7Y HOIiI YHOCKS Mixed Colors Pkt 10 <br> SINGLE FLOWERINQ HOLLYHOCKS <br> The ipsthetic taste of times now requires <br> for old-fashioned gardens old-fashioned <br> flowers among whiih the large old-fashioned single Hollyhocks are conspiciiousl v lieautlful ; our mix- <br> ture here offered contains all colors shades and variegations Pkt 5c ; 1 000 seeds 25c <br> HENDERSON'S SUPERIOR <br> PRIDE OF THE GARDEN <br> HARiaOLDS <br> Grand Marigolds Theimmense flowers are densely <br> double 8 to 10 inches in circumference and quilled with <br> the regularit v and perfection of a Dahlia A highly <br> meritorious feature is tlie compact dwarf habit of the <br> plant which forms dense bushes only 15 to 18 inches <br> high by 2 feet across For effective garden display <br> during the summer and autumn months nothing can <br> surpass the gorgeous masses of color of these grand <br> varieties See cut Pkt <br> Pride of the Garden Marig'old Mixed Colors 10 <br> Canary Yellow i' At 10 Golden Orange 10 <br> Your Marigold seed ' Pride of the Garden' is <br> superior the Excelsior of all Marigolds being very <br> early flowered dwarf bushvand verv large flowered <br> WILLl i M BEDM iN Woodbridge \ J <br> UENDEnSON S PRIDE OPTHBS <br> GAKIIEN MARIGOI ng <br> FUtrl CUt XlJIlAl II«STRX;CXIOMS are PRIPtXCD ON AL L OF OUR Kt O'W ER SEED PACKETS 42383179 133997 66553 Page 90 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383179 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383179 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383179 bhlGardenStories Hollyhocks Marigolds BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16828294596 2015-08-24 20 56 14 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |