MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16828298856).jpg henderson's <br> New Giant- Flowering <br> Nasturtiums <br> These Grand Giant Tom Tbumb or Beddingr WastTirtinins Iinve bwn devcloperl throuRh years of careful hylirldizntlon culture and <br> ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16828298856).jpg henderson's <br> New Giant- Flowering <br> Nasturtiums <br> These Grand Giant Tom Tbumb or Beddingr WastTirtinins Iinve bwn devcloperl throuRh years of careful hylirldizntlon culture and <br> Kelection under conditions thoroughly coDgeninl to the highest development of this popular garden annual Not only have the tlowers Increased <br> wonderfully in size often measuring three inches across but a great variety of new and charming combinations of ci lors has been produced while the <br> brilliancy and velvety richness of the solid colored sorts have been greatly enhanced V 'v cannot attempt to describe the exi Uislte blendlngs and markings of the <br> vari-colored vnrirties for tliey are limitless We can only say that this mixture of Giant-Flowering Tom Thumb Nasturtiums contains secil saved Irom the largest <br> flowering most beautiful and varied collection ever sent out For summer flower-beds nothing in the floral kingdom can suriiass <br> them ; the plants form perfect mounds about one foot high by one foot across and are fairly sheeted with blossoms Seed sown in <br> the open ground in the sjiring will produce plants that commence blooming during earl v summer and continue until severe frosts <br> They are thrifty luxuriant growers of the easiest posHililo culture an l are never troul ied with insects See cut <br> Giant- Flowering Tom Thumb XTasturtinms Mixed Colors I'er packet lOc; jjer oz 25c ; per Vi lb T 'ic <br> Heal Giant-Glirabing Hybrid Hastartmras <br> A new section obtained by a French specialist by artificial hyljridizlng and distinguished l y dark-colored foliage <br> and flower-s of a richness and variety of coloring not to be found in an v of the different cImhscs of Nasturtiums liereto- <br> fore grown Tiiere have already been produced twent v-two different coloi-s or combinations of colors in these new <br> hybrids including various shades of rose salmon bright red pale yellow etc either self-colored or spotted mottled <br> Btriped and margined For covering trellises fences arliors piazzas trailing from vases over rock-work etc nothing <br> can equal the gorgeous effect produced by their marvelous quantities of bloom borne In uninterrupted splemlor from <br> early summer until cut down b v frost Tlieir ease of culture and riii ldity of luxuriant growtli 12 to 15 feet high render <br> them worthy of great poi ularity Giant Hybrid Climbing' Nasturtitims Mixed Colors i'ee cut <br> Per packet 10c ; peroz 25c ; per 4 lb 75c <br> Giant Bed Spur Climbing' Nasturtiums A most beautiful <br> type of Climliirig Nasturtiums witli iTi nsr ll iwers; some are cream v <br> w hite witli ornn c-Kcarlet blotches others of dn-p orange spotted with <br> blGodred ; some witli red edges etc and all flowers are further orna- <br> mented with red spurs of uiiii ue and ornamental effect Pit 10 <br> I'sy -Leaved Climbing' Nasturtiums Unique and dis- <br> tinct The leaves are not onl y ivy shaiied but ivy colored <br> being of dark green metallic Iiue against which thecrimson- <br> Bcarlet flowers contrast vividl v The flowers are borne in <br> profusion It is slimmer in habit than other sorts render- <br> ing it particularly graceful for vase veranda box and <br> basket trailer or climber Pkt 10 <br> Iiarge-Plo'wering' Nasturtium Climbing Chame- <br> leon A ver v uniijue Ini'ge-tlowering variety bearing <br> flowers of several colors and man v variegntions on one <br> plant; some flowers will be all scarlet others all orange <br> others all cream ; but most of them are beautifully mottled <br> in beautiful and indescribable combinations I'kt 10 <br> The Climbing Nasttirfiiirns I obtainerl from you last sea- <br> son were the most beautiful any one has ever seen around <br> here � Chas Baskerville Chapel Hill N C <br> The Giant Nasturtium seed sent nie last year did splen- <br> didly I never sa ir larger or m ore bea utiful blooms or more <br> of them They nere the admiration of all who saw them <br> � J Wm Boyd Roanoke Va <br> Please send me your best mixed Nasturtium seed the <br> large kind Giant-Flowering I had tliis same kind last year <br> and they produced the most wonderful amount of blossoms <br> all summer long till the last were frozen on the vines The <br> size of flowers and magnificent coloring were the wonder of <br> all our fi'iends Nothing could ha ve been more satisfactory <br> � S E Thompson 450 E 106th St N Y City <br> TOM POUCE TRAILINCi NASTURTIU <br> Offered on page Hi <br> GIANT CLIMBING <br> NASTURI1U M <br> For our complete list of NASTURTIUMS and TROPAEOLUMS see page 111 42383181 133997 66553 Page 92 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383181 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383181 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383181 bhlGardenStories Nasturtiums BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16828298856 2015-08-24 20 51 58 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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