MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16828334916).jpg PALAVA FLEXUOSA <br> Beautiful nntnials for beds or pots; lar u;e pink <br> flowers with black throat ; plants bushy About IV2 <br> feet high ' Pkt 5 <br> PANSIES <br> German Finest Mixed Very ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16828334916).jpg PALAVA FLEXUOSA <br> Beautiful nntnials for beds or pots; lar u;e pink <br> flowers with black throat ; plants bushy About IV2 <br> feet high ' Pkt 5 <br> PANSIES <br> German Finest Mixed Very satisfactory selfs <br> and viiriPKated I'kr 10c ; er 000 seeils r Oc <br> Good Mixed l'kt 5f ; per 1 000 seeds 2 jr <br> Imported Collection German Fansies G va- <br> rieties 2 c Ill vjirieties 40c <br> FOB HENDEBSOIT'S SUFEBIOB GIAITT <br> PANSIES SEE PAGE 93 <br> FOB NOVELTIES IN PANSIES <br> SEE PAGE 82 <br> PASSION FLOWER <br> Handsome rapid-growiupr perennial climber for <br> greenhouse decoration or sunny positions in the open <br> ground in summer <br> Incarnata May I'ops Blooms the firstseason from <br> seed Flowers 2 or 3 inches across Flesh color <br> with purple rays followed by edible fruits Pkt T <br> Ccemlea Larneflowersof violet and blue 10 <br> Von Volexmi Tacsonia Larjje scarlet flowers 5 <br> PELARGONIUMS <br> Lady H' i s/jifiA diT tniunif <br> Grand plants forpot culture the flowers an inch or <br> more across are borne in immense clusters throui h <br> spring and summer; colors are rich in the extreme <br> and beautifull vmarked Height 1 to 2 feet Finest <br> Mixed Pkt l l <br> PENNISETUM RUPPELL\NUM <br> Purple Fountain Gras t <br> Gracefully arching narrow leaves � veiled with nod- <br> ding feathery heads like a cloud of purple Height 1 <br> foot by 1 foot in diameter It makes a beautiful bor- <br> der for 8Ub-troi lcal beds etc ; attains perfection first <br> season from seed Pkt 10 <br> PENTSTEMON <br> Beautiful garden perennials 2 to 3 feet high with <br> white pink scarlet and purple flowers beautifully <br> spotted and marked <br> Mixed Colors Pkt 10 <br> Sensation See page 9 i <br> PERILLA NANKINENSIS <br> Ornamental foliage plants of comjiact habit; simi- <br> lar to Coleus with leaves of a black mulberry color ; <br> showy garden annual IV-i feet Pkt ~ <br> PETUNL\S <br> Indispensable flowering plants for both garden and <br> pot culture flowering continuously They lower in a <br> few weeks' time from seed Height about 1 toot <br> Sing'le Fine Mixed White crimson pink striped <br> blotched etc Pkt 5 <br> large Single All Sorts Mixed P bybrida <br> firanrlitiora Extra large single flowers Striped <br> blotched veined etc 10 <br> LargeSingleFringed Mixed P hyhridagrandi- <br> tlom limbrinta Large flowers of various shades <br> colors and markings all beautifull v fringed 25 <br> Donble Iiarge-flowering Mixed P bybrid i <br> grandWora fl pi Flowers large double and of <br> beautiful shades of crimson white rose maroon; <br> blotched striped veined bordered marked etc 20 <br> Bonble Iiarge Green Edged P hvbridn grandi- <br> ilora mar giiiata II pi Large double flowers of <br> varioiLs colors all distinctively nuirgincd light green <br> uiii \ie and attractive 3 <br> HENDEBSON'S STTFEBIOB GIANT PETU- <br> NIAS Sri' iiageHi <br> PHLOX DKl'M-MO-NUI GBANDIFLORA <br> H lItll � I'liLox <br> DWARF COMPACT PETUNIAS <br> V iii - Ci nip;i ta \rnllilliir i <br> Uound bushv little plants only about H inches high; <br> tile tlowers while not large remain boldly expanded <br> and fairly cover the plants for months beautiful <br> I'dging or bedding plants and also beautiful subjects <br> grown in pots <br> Dwarf Inimitable Cherrv red with a white Btar- <br> liki' c-ijtri- Pkt 10 <br> Pink Mound Brilliant rosy jiink white throat 10 <br> Diadem Fiery c irndne with a white star 10 <br> Snowball Satinv-white flowers in profusion form- <br> irjga vr-ritalilc � �Snowball 10 <br> Dwarf Double Inimitable Small double button- <br> like llowiTs of chi'rry red and white 20 <br> Double Azalea Flowered Compactly doubleflow- <br> ers resembling double Azaleas Colors white and <br> white blotched ri d mixed 15 <br> PHLOX DRUMMONOn GRANDIFLORA <br> For beds and massing nothing can Kurjjnss these <br> lienutiful annuals Tlie v produce Immense trusses <br> of large brilliant flowera of numberless hues through- <br> out the summer I'i feet high Our large-flowering <br> I'hiox is an improved strain with extra large perfectly <br> round flowers with petals overlapping each other <br> Alba Purest white Pkt 5 <br> Albo-ocnlata White with claret eye 5 <br> Atropurptirea Rich blood-purple eye plum pur- <br> ple <br> PETU NIA LAIiGE SINGLE MIXED <br> Brilliant Bose Rose pink crimson eve 5 <br> Camiinea albo-oculata Carndne-plnk whiteeyeS <br> Chamois Bose Salmon pink orange-scarlet eye 5 <br> Coccinea Urillinnt scarlet rich and bright 5 <br> Coccinea striata Bright scarlet striped white 5 <br> Isabelliua I 'mon yellow garnet e ve 5 <br> Kermesina splendens Vivid crimson whiteeye 5 <br> Violacea albo-oculata Piuple white e ve 5 <br> Large-flowering Mixed Colors Per oz 50c 5 <br> 'i Ufitiijns iirLargi'-IIiiucritig Phlox H separate rarie- <br> f IC S- ' 7c ; IJ y irii-ties 40c <br> JTTBIZJ3 FBXOX See -ige 94 <br> DWARF or NANA COMPACTA PHLOX <br> These form little r iund compact bushes about r Ins <br> high thickly studded with flowers; splendid for beds <br> edging and pot culture <br> Dwarf Mixed Colors Pkt 10 <br> White 10 I Dwarf Scarlet 10 <br> Blood-red 10 Bose-pink 10 <br> Striped Bed and White 10 <br> Chamois Pink 10 <br> Collvitinn of II Dwarf Phlox 40c <br> STAR PHLOX <br> IMPnOVED T ARGE-FLOWf;niNG STAR OF QFEDLINBUBO <br> Flowers are of regiil ir star-like form Plant of <br> compact habit about 12 ins high bearing large um- <br> bels of flowers Colors varied and beautiful including <br> vhite rose salmcm scarlet etc <br> Star Phlox Mixed Colors Pkt 5 <br> DOUBLE-FLOWERING PHLOX <br> This comparatively new class is very desirable on <br> ai'connt of th wlnraliility of the flowers <br> Double Mixed Colors Pkt 10 <br> White 10 <br> Yellow Lemon yellow 10 <br> Crimson 10 <br> 1 packet each of the three separate colors for 35c <br> HARDY PHLOX <br> Magnificent hnrd v-flowering plants growing into <br> strong bushes from two I0 three feet high bearing <br> iinnicnse heads of large waxv flowers of lovely shades <br> f color <br> Phlox Decussata Fine mixed Pkt 10 <br> Large-flowering Hardy Hybrids Mixed 25 <br> People fond of improving their lawns and gardens t'HpnHfifcnn'o Utrittfaantte fiafHAtic our new book <br> and those planning new grounds should have nenaerSOIl S riCtUreSqUe UarUenh <br> offered on page 4 42383201 133997 66553 Page 112 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383201 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Camiinea albo-oculata NameFound Coccinea NameConfirmed Coccinea Feuillet J M MacDougal supersect NameBankID 9261559 NameFound Coccinea striata NameFound Decussata NameConfirmed Decussata EOLID 13365 NameBankID 3001508 NameFound Kermesina splendens NameFound Nana compacta NameFound P bybrida NameFound P hvbridn grandi NameFound Palava flexuosa NameConfirmed Palaua flexuosa Mast NameBankID 8835774 NameFound Pennisetum NameConfirmed Pennisetum EOLID 108192 NameBankID 2576497 NameFound Pentstemon NameConfirmed Pentstemon Schmidel EOLID 23988214 NameBankID 8584742 NameFound Perilla nankinensis NameConfirmed Perilla nankinensis NameBankID 5848193 NameFound Phlox NameConfirmed Phlox L EOLID 40661 NameFound Tacsonia NameConfirmed Tacsonia EOLID 19836526 NameBankID 3459415 NameFound Violacea albo-oculata Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383201 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383201 bhlGardenStories Pansies Petunia Phlox BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16828334916 2015-08-24 20 50 55 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Petunia Phlox Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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