Keywords: Everything for the garden (16853122442).jpg r <br> PLAIMT DEIPARTIVIEIMT <br> 159 <br> This collection is carefully selected from the <br> incurving reflezed and other odd <br> Amber Queen Soft amber with deep shadings <br> Bride of Roses A gnind rosy pink very deep <br> Cashmere Light crimson and amber; tasseled <br> Dr Mandeville Bright chrome yellow ; fine variety <br> Eda Prass Light salmon ; very pretty Fine for exhibition <br> Edwin Molyneux Rich mahogany crimson See cut above <br> Etoile de Lyon White striped rose purple or violet <br> Excellent A beautiful shade of rosy pink See cut above <br> G BramhaU Primrose yellow ; grand in every way <br> G Schlegel Pure white large massive flower <br> J SlmmptOQ Dark mahogany crimson ; extra fine <br> Price 10c each 12 for 1 <br> J APANESE C OLLECTION <br> hundreds of new and old sorts and contains the best of the large ragged <br> types of the section all high-class sorts and offered at low prices <br> Julius Roehrs A rich shade of violet rose <br> Lillian B Bird Beautiful light pink ; extra fine <br> Leopard Carmine splashed white A very unique variety;extra fine <br> Mrs Jerome Jones A grand globular white <br> Mrs Wm Trelease A beautiful shade of pink <br> Mrs E D Adams Pure white; drooping and twisted <br> Mrs Sarah Rose Soft rose tinged salmon <br> Mr Hicks Arnold Old gold and orange <br> Mrs W K Vanderbilt White ; flowers very large <br> Thos Emerson Deep orange red ; large flower <br> Uncle Sam Rosy pink striped white See cut above <br> 00 ; set of 22 sorts for 2 00 <br> HARDY POMPON VARIETIES <br> Arbre de Noel Deep orange shaded red <br> tipped yellow <br> Black Douglas Dark red <br> Bouquet Rich carmine <br> Canary Bird Light yellow <br> Cravaction Pink and yellow <br> Gen Canrobert Sulphur yellow <br> SECOND EARLY <br> Model of Perfection <br> Mrs Aristee Deep <br> Anemone-flowered <br> Rose Trevene White and pink <br> Souv de Jersey Deep yellow <br> Snowdrop Pure white <br> White Bedder Pure white <br> Pinkish lilac <br> canary yellow ; <br> Belle Paule White tipped rose A very pretty variety <br> Clinton Chalfant A magnificent golden yellow upright petals <br> Glory of the Pacific A grand early light pink broad petals <br> Lady Fitz'wygram A grand early white sort; outer petals re- <br> curving and twisting centre incurving very feathery aad graceful <br> Miss M M Johnson Golden yellow; very fine flower <br> Mrs John Laing Orange and bronze ; a very unique variety <br> Mrs Geo M Pullman Deep rich yellow; a grand flower <br> Marion Henderson Fine early yellow; invaluable for forcing <br> Mrs H McK Twombly White shaded pink; a fine early variety <br> Mrs W A Bryant Fine chrome yellow large handsome flower <br> ANEMONE COLLECTION <br> American Eagle Rays white; centre rose purple <br> Condor Rays and centre rose purple tipped yellow <br> Falcon Rays pure white broad in two or three rows ; centre <br> pale straw-yellow or ecru flushed reddish within the tubes <br> Garza Ray petals broad pure white ; centre white yellowish tips <br> Halcyon Fine white extra large one of the best of this class <br> Judge Hoitt Fully eight inches across ; pale pearl pink <br> Livadia Pure white a very good variety <br> Mrs F Gordon Dexter Rays crimson ; centre yellow and red <br> Red Robin Rays tubular whole flower rose purple <br> Golden Bedder Clear golden yellow <br> Jules Lagreve Deep red <br> Marie Aurat Light pink <br> Mile E Dordan Pure white <br> Mile Marthe Pure white <br> Montgolfier Maroon tipped rich golden <br> yellow <br> ' Price 10c each 1 50 per set of 18 <br> C C\\ T TH'r 'T Tr lM This collection contains varieties that perfect their blossoms in the open <br> \ \ l i i I iv ll jj jj October before the killing frosts in our Northern States <br> Mrs E G HiU Clear pearl pink large flower full to centre <br> Marie Louise Beautiful glistening white large broad petals <br> Mrs James B Crane Flowers of the richest deep rose color <br> Mrs R D Douglas Bright yellow at first changing to bronze <br> Polly Rose A very fine and large early white <br> Rose Owen Magnificent large clear bi-ight pink; of perfect <br> form opening the last week in September <br> Wasserfall Pure white Petals drooping gracefully at edges <br> Wm Simpson A very fine variety; color deep clear pink <br> Yellow Queen Extra large bright yellow very early <br> Price 10c each 1 00 per doz ; set of 19 early sorts for 1 50 <br> We offer a splendid collection of this unique type of the Chrysanthemum No better or <br> more interesting form than the ANEMONE is to be found in the race <br> Partridge Yellowish pink rays broad purplish red <br> Silver Bill Outer petals white tips of the lubes yellow <br> Tauager Deep purplish rose ; centre flat orange vermilion with <br> narrow yellow line about tlie mouth of each tube <br> Timbale d' Argent Pure white ; a fine early variety <br> Titmouse Tubular rays white centre pale yellow <br> Toucan An odd shade of reddish buff; well-formed centre bright <br> yellow within pale yellow without <br> Yellow Hammer Flower large bright chrome-yellow; rays broad <br> slightly twisted in two rows ; centre compact <br> Price 10c each 1 00 per doz ; set of 15 sorts for 1 25 <br> SPECIAL LOW OFFER � 20 CHRYSANTHEMUMS FREE BY MAIL FOR 1 00 <br> We caanot supply a list beforehand but aa we someMmes have a surplus we are enabled to include some of the choicest sorts If sent by express buyer <br> to pay charges we will leave all the soil on the roots 42383248 133997 66553 Page 159 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383248 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Chrysanthemum NameConfirmed Chrysanthemum EOLID 38388 NameBankID 2657422 NameFound Julius NameConfirmed Julius NameBankID 4209283 NameFound Livadia Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383248 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383248 bhlGardenStories Chrysanthemums BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16853122442 2015-08-24 20 53 33 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |