Keywords: Everything for the garden (16853141751).jpg DAHLIA <br> DOUBLE VARIKTIKS <br> AltlioiiKh perennials tliese willflower freely the samp <br> s eiison from Kped 4 to 6 feet <br> Choice Double Mixed Manvcolors Pkt lo <br> ompone Double Mixed 8n all-tlon rin ; in <br> cactus Dahlia Double Mixed Colors Uiiille l <br> autl curved petals graeefull v arranged in large heuils <br> of bloom __ _ -J <br> SINGLE VARIETIES <br> Handsome bedding plants flowering in great profu- <br> sion in a large variety of colors unsurpassed for suiu- <br> tner bouquets <br> Single targ-e-flowering- Mixed Many colors ; <br> Belf-stnped and spotted i to 4 feet <br> n ' ' - iU act bushy piants' nbon't <br> IJ InclHH high liy 24 inches across They produce <br> large single tlf wers of nifist exquisite colors 10 <br> Wlant Perfection Enormous flowers 4 to ;« inchis <br> across of several beautiful colors SeUs mottled <br> - <br> striiied etc Mixed Colors <br> DELPHINIUM or HARDY LARK- <br> SPUFIS <br> Handsome hardy pererinials splendid flowers and <br> curiously cut leaves for periuaueut beds and borders <br> tney are indispensable <br> Grandiflorumflorepleno eppa efi7 Pkf l <br> JSaUl Hardy YpIIoh- Lnrkspur Produces freclv <br> long spikes of40to50 sulphur vellow blossoms each <br> llnch in diameter floweriagfrora June until August <br> plant thrifty and bushy 3 to 4 feet lo <br> le Mastodonte Giant Bee Larkspur L'artxe <br> bluefl iwers 3 to 6 feet 10 <br> rormosum Popular for groups tail spi'kesofdark <br> blue tloivcrs with white eyes 2 to 3 feet 3 <br> iallar of Beauty D fonnosum ccelestinuin An <br> unusually bright and pretty shade of azure blue lo <br> Wudicaule Large scarlet flowers li/o feet o <br> finest MixedSingle Hybrids ' 5 <br> Foraunual vurwties see Lnrksjiurs page 109 <br> DIANTHUS OR PINKS <br> DOUBLE ANN0AL VARIETIES <br> The family of Pinks is unrivaled for brilliancy <br> and rich variety of color; the plants are bushy o f <br> eymmetncal form � blooming profusely until fall <br> rendering them most satisfactory for summer flower <br> gardens Treat as annuals Heigl about 1 foot <br> Chinensis fl pi Mixed Colors Double China or <br> Indian I'ink pj f - <br> Beddewigii fl pi Mixed Colors Douiiie Japan <br> Pink large flowers of many rich ami varied colors 5 <br> Double Diadem Pink Mixed Colors Diadem- <br> atiisfl pi Splendid doubleflowers of many colors <br> edged and marbled r <br> WHITE DIADEM PUJrk Largedouiiie'flowers <br> of white l eautifully laced with the Diadem mark- <br> ings in carmine blood-rcil lilac purple etc 10 <br> DOTTBLE SALMON QUEEN PINK Distinct <br> and beautifullargedoublefringed flowers of brilliant <br> salmon changing to salmony rose as thev age 10 <br> Double Snowflake Large pure white double fring- <br> ed flowers r <br> Tireball Large double flowers of iirilliant red 5 <br> White Prill or Mourning- Cloak Large double <br> Bowers of rich purplish black edged with wiiite 5 <br> -Double Striped and Fringed Mixed Colors <br> Lacinun i striata tt pi See pa/ e HT lo <br> 5 ° °f Perfection See page Hi 10 <br> �� liffllt The stems branches and flower buds are <br> black; the leaves dark green The double flowers <br> are rich Jilackish maroon and like velvet 10 <br> imperialis rubro-striata fl pi Large double <br> nowers of rich blood-red irregularly striped and <br> splashed with white and pink 10 <br> 80UV de la Malmaison Rosy apricot 10 <br> imported roUertinns ofdniihle annual Diani'hus <br> vanetie -i L'jr IJ varieties 40c <br> SINGLE ANNUAL DIANTHUS <br> Busily plants about 1 foot high � usually grown as <br> garden annuals Flowers very large often 2 Inches <br> and over across and freely produced from earlv sum- <br> mer until frost For summer flower beds their gor- <br> geous colors render them unrivaled We reallv prefer <br> tlK' Single Pinks to the Douliles for effectiveness when <br> tiedilcd <br> Heddewigii Mixed Colors Sinple Tapan Pinks <br> Magnihccnt flowers 2 to H inches across broad and <br> round and of many exquisite colors; blotched <br> splashed and spotted pj f 5 <br> Salmon Queen Large fringed flow'e'rsofa brilliant <br> s ilninn cli -iiiging to rosys -ilmon 5 <br> Queen of Holland 1 Ilrddewinii albus Large <br> round smooth-edged single flowers of glisteninir <br> white 5 <br> Little Gem or the Bride \Vine red/suffused and <br> veiiMMl rose and bordered with white lo <br> Snowflake Large pure white-fringed flowers Plant <br> imly li iiiihes high fairly smothered with flowers 5 <br> Eastern Queen Immense single-fringed flowers <br> in irlil d c irinini--rose mauve and lilac 5 <br> Crimson Belle Alagniflcent fringed flowers of lus- <br> trous crimson <br> Glare of the Garden Grand flowers fully s <br> inches acrr ss fringed and of the most brilliant vel- <br> vety r-nnison Gorgeously effective 10 <br> GLOBIOSA Immense fringed flowers White y el- <br> veiy crimson and iink hieroglyphically si ln8hed <br> slri iedand blolcheil jq <br> Laciniatus Mixed Colors Finest single-fringed <br> ' s g <br> STAR PINK Iii niUius Stellaris 'a new'einss <br> Willi true sl ir-shapcd flowers having the brilliant <br> colorsoi he Di iMthusHi-ddewigiiclasH of wliich this <br> IS a sport Mixed Colors 10 <br> HARDY DL NTHUS PINKS <br> These form low bushy tutted plants above which <br> are produced on long stems the beautiful fringed and <br> fragrant flowers so valued in olil-fashioned gar- <br> dens For jiermanent beds and borders these Pinks <br> are unrivaled <br> Plumarius Double Mixed Double-fringed fra- <br> grant flowers of while crimson or purple shades <br> spotted and v n-iegated 12 inches higli /'AC 10 <br> Plumarius Sing-le Mixed Large single fragrant <br> flovvr-rs of beautiful colors and finely fringed 5 <br> Cyclop Pinks New single Pinks of unap- <br> pro -ichable beauty tlie predominating colors being <br> ro se flesh jiink coiiper color salmon wine red <br> wliite crimson etc the beauty of every flower being <br> further enlivened by a large eye-like zone of velvetv <br> blood-red; clove-like perfume The blossoms are <br> smooth-edged round and fully 6 inches in circum- <br> ference Mixed Colors 10 <br> DIGITALIS or FOXGLOVE <br> Hardy perennial plants of easy culture ; long spikes <br> of large showy flowers ranging through shades of <br> purple white rose yellow spotted etc 3 to 5 feet <br> high <br> Mixed Colors pi t 5 <br> Spotted Gloxinia-flowered Varieties Mixed 10 <br> Monstrosa Mixed Long sjiike of nianv flowers <br> surmounted with one enormous flower; novel and <br> beautiful <br> 10 <br> DIANTHUS Sl NULE LACl NIATUS <br> DOLICHOS or HYACINTH BEAN <br> LAB-LAB \nnual climbing plantsof rapid growth <br> iie -iring large clusters of sliowv flowers of either <br> crimson or white 1 feet Mixed Colors Wt 5 <br> New Giant Crimson See page 88 10 <br> DRACENA INDIVISA <br> Long arching green-leaved foliage plant exten- <br> sively used for the ccntresof vases and for pot culture <br> 2 to 3 feet paj iq <br> Liberal Premiums' are offered to our Customers on page 5 42383195 133997 66553 Page 106 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383195 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Chinensis fl NameFound D fonnosum ccelestinuin NameFound Dianthus NameConfirmed Dianthus EOLID 11254753 NameBankID 2646562 NameFound Dolichos NameConfirmed Dolichos EOLID 28202 NameBankID 277075 NameFound Dracena indivisa NameConfirmed Dracaena indivisa G Forst EOLID 1087093 NameBankID 5834176 NameFound Ilrddewinii albus NameFound Laciniatus NameFound Monstrosa NameFound Plumarius NameConfirmed Plumarius EOLID 12072735 NameBankID 4303501 NameFound Stellaris NameConfirmed Stellaris NameBankID 4873468 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383195 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383195 bhlGardenStories Dahlia Digitalis Foxglove Dianthus Delphinium BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16853141751 2015-08-24 20 55 40 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Dahlia Digitalis Dianthus Unidentified Delphinium Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |