Keywords: Everything for the garden (16853173112).jpg Prices <br> Truck and barrel 1 in tire SIO OO <br> 2V2 11 00 <br> 3'/2 � � 12 00 <br> Extra barrel with trunnions on 2 50 <br> H truck and trunnions without barret are wanted deduct f OO from prices of trucks with barrel <br> TT7HE BABBEIi is raised from tlie ground carried to the <br> 'J ilaceili'sireil and can be readily disconnected from or attach- <br> ed to the truck wliilc barrel is either full or empty We <br> supply as extra attachments the following' A Box with <br> trunnions and spring catch making a very superior dumping <br> Hand-cart A Sprinkler invaluable for watering lawns and <br> sprinkling walks Vatcris turned on and off by hand wheel and <br> ball valve A Xieaf Back very useful for removing leaves and <br> litter A Gem Force Ftuup for spraying' etc <br> Extra trunnionn per pair 0 50 <br> Hand-cart liox 2 75 <br> Leaf Hack 4 00 <br> Sprinkler \ttachment 2 50 <br> OEM SPRAYING OUTFIT <br> Clampstotlie barrel; tills the <br> want for a low-priced pump for <br> spraying a few trees bushes <br> vines etc and for watering <br> tlower-beds washing windows <br> carriages etc <br> Prices without baj el or truck <br> Gem Outfit A Pump fit- <br> ted with two feet of suction pipe <br> and brass strainer 5 feet Vi- <br> inch hose and nozzle 5 00 <br> Gem Outfit B same as � �A <br> excepting hose is 12M feet long <br> fitted with connection for pole <br> to spray trees 0 00 <br> HENDERSON'S BEST PARA RUBBER HOSE <br> This is the highest grade of garden hose being made entirely from New Para Rubber and will outlast cheap hose three <br> times over We guarantee it to stand a 200-pound wat r pressure and it will be as resilient in three or four vears time as <br> wlien new while cheap hose of that age will be hard and rotten Every length of Henderson's Best Para Hose is <br> fitted with the new water-tight couplings without extra charge Hose is furnished oniy in 25 feft and 5ii feet <br> lengths tlie sixes and 1 inch refer to tlie internal diameter of the bore <br> ��I1 in bore Para per 25 foot length 4 25 1 In bore Para per 25 foot length 6 00 <br> » ' �� 50 ' H on 1 � � 50 �' 11 00 <br> STKNDKRD QUKLITV RUBBER HOSE \j <br> This is a grade that Is often sold as the best Is a good hose and will stand a 75- ' <br> pound pressure Each length is lifted with the regular couplings without extra charge <br> � ��Jfi inch Standard per 25 loot length 3 00 1 inch Standard per 25 foot length 3 75 <br> 50 5 75 1 50 7 00 <br> KR7UTORED OR iAiIRE inZOUND HOSE <br> \dvised only for very rocky ground <br> i inch bore \rmored hose per 25 foot length with couplings on 1 <br> 30 <br> Spray Pump Discharge Hose ' �� � inch bore couplings extra 25c set per 12V4 <br> length 1 25; L'5 foot �� 2 25; 50 foot 4 25 <br> foot <br> BENT LEG HOSE CARRIAGE <br> This is the best wooden reel made � not <br> easily tipped over By using a reel the hose <br> Is always drained thus preventing it from <br> rotting <br> No A for 100 feet of inch Hose 2 00 <br> No B 200 � � �' 2 25 <br> THE WATERWITCH LAWN SPRINKLER <br> The water flows with unimpeded force <br> scattering in fine drops and evenly over a <br> circular area of 25 to 40 feet diameter It <br> works more satisfactorily with a very low <br> pressure of water than any sprinkler we <br> know of <br> Price with spur to stick in the ground <br> see cut 75c each by mail 85c each <br> Price -with stand cannot be mailed <br> 1 25 each <br> ALL IRON <br> HOSE REEL <br> THE COHET LAWN SPRINKLER <br> W;il Sprinklean Area FOUR TIHES Greater than any other <br> The revolving arms and gears carry a hose nozzle around <br> from which a stream of water is thrown far bey ond tli 'it thrown <br> h\ the arms It will sprinkle a space of 80 feet in diameter <br> The hose nozzle and tips on ends of arms are adjustable so <br> thititcan be adapted to assmall a space as desired Price <br> S5 00 <br> HENDERSON'S 4 arni and 8 arm LAWN SPRINKLERS <br> Serve the double purpose of a beautiful fountain and of <br> saturatingthelawnorgarden The water is distributed over <br> in area of 60 to 100 feet in circumference according to the <br> ' pressure An ornamental standard abont 4 feet high is sur- <br> I mounted with long perforated arms which revolve so the <br> beautiful spravs are constantly changing Prices for a <br> 4 ai m sprinkler 3 00; for an 8-arm 3 50 <br> BAIiIa and BASKBT This fits on top of the Henderson <br> Sprinkler and the stream of water keeps the ball dancing up <br> in the air When the ball falls the basket catches it and it <br> roUslnto thecentreand is again raised by the water Price <br> 2 75 extra <br> Is constructed entirely of iron and is Inde- <br> structible It is light iu weight frictionless and <br> the wheels being high make it easily manipu- <br> lated ; a good strong handsome and conve- <br> nient reel <br> No 10 21 In wheels holds 100 ft in hose S3 00 <br> No 20 24 ' 150 i -ib <br> No 30 3U 600 5 00 <br> HOSE NOZZLES <br> Brass with stop cock spray rose and stream <br> tips Kor 'i and Inch hose 8 5c for 1 Inch <br> hose 1 00 Postage 10c each e xtra <br> COMMON SENSE LAWN SPRINKLER <br> No movlngpartstoget out of order no arms to <br> get bent stopped up etc The most beautiful <br> water effect is produced there being a large um- <br> brella spray as well as jets nearly upright that in <br> falling break the umbrella spray up into fine <br> drops The diameterof the circle will vary with <br> the water pressure from 20 to 40 feet in diameter <br> Price 1 25 each <br> THE HENDERSON LAWN 8PBINKLEE <br> COMMON SENSE LAWN SPRINKLER 42383277 133997 66553 Page 188 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383277 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383277 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383277 bhlGardenStories Garden Tools and Implements BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories garden tools and implements bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16853173112 2015-08-24 19 57 18 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |