MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16854182975).jpg POMPON CROWN ASTER <br> ARISTOLOCHIA SIPHO <br> DVTCH MAN 8 PIPE VINE <br> Rapid luxuriant hariiy perennial cUmberj large <br> leaves making dense shade; flowers vellow and Drown <br> mottled and ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16854182975).jpg POMPON CROWN ASTER <br> ARISTOLOCHIA SIPHO <br> DVTCH MAN 8 PIPE VINE <br> Rapid luxuriant hariiy perennial cUmberj large <br> leaves making dense shade; flowers vellow and Drown <br> mottled and curiously shaped 30 feet Pkt 10 <br> ARNEBIA« <br> CORNTTTA A ohnrniing bushy annual about 2 <br> feet high It blooms the whole summer Flowers <br> of rich yellow with black spots changing to maroon <br> and on the third day vanish leaving the flower a <br> clear bright yellow I'kt 10 <br> ORNAMENTAL ASPARAGUS <br> Broussoneti Beautiful hardy perennial climber <br> growing 10 feet high; feathery foliage and scarlet <br> berries; ver v ornamental in the autumn Pkr 10 <br> Fltunosiis nanus A greenhouse perennial climber <br> with e x iuisite feathery lace-like foliage; extensively <br> grown by florists for cutting purposes 25 <br> Spreng'eri Emerald Fentlwr A most lively <br> trailer; invaluable as a pot plant for baskets or <br> vases The numerous fronds are frecjuently 4 teet <br> long well dressed with leaves of rich green retain- <br> ing their freshness for weeks when cut; white flowers <br> followed by red berries A fine house plant as it <br> withstands dry ntinosiiliere 10 <br> ASPERULA ODORATA <br> Sweet Woodruff Very pretty dwarf hard v plant <br> much esti'cmed for its delightful odor Flowers <br> white Pkt 5 <br> ASTERS <br> For noveltlMt in AstiTs see pages 7 5 and 77 <br> BAI I -SHAFED or JEWHL ASTEBS Mag- <br> nificent class Konnd biill-8liai ed densely double <br> flowers 9 inches in circumference short incurved <br> petals Plants sturdy -ft MixedColors f Af 10 <br> BAXZi or FIBE ASTEB Brilliant blood- <br> scarlet color; plants of compact pyr imidal habit <br> about 12 inches high ; flowers medium size very <br> double and borne in abundance 10 <br> BETTEBIDGE'S QUII UBD ASTEBS L rge <br> double flowers composed of tube c r luill-ehaped <br> petals surrounded by broad guard petMls 2 feet <br> high a great variety of colors Uized Colors <br> GIAITT SII TEB TIPPED ASTEBS Very <br> large double flowers The tip of each petal being sil- <br> very white; strong branching plants 18 Inches high <br> Bose Pink Tipped Silver 10 <br> Blue Tipped Silver 10 <br> CHBTSAlTTHEanTM-FI OWEBEI DWABF <br> Grow 9 inches high Suri a ss all the dwarf \sters <br> in size of flowers They are full and double and <br> produced in clusters of 20 to 30 on a plant Finest <br> Mixed Colors 10 <br> Snow-white 10 I Fiery Scarlet 10 <br> Flesh Pink 10 Dark Ziavender 10 <br> Crimson 10 I Brilliant Bose 10 <br> Iinjiorted Collection of Dwarf Chryanntliemum- <br> flowered Asters 6 separate varieties 40c ; 12 va- <br> rieties Tiir <br> CHI1TAGI OBE-FI OWEBED ASTEBS Mixed <br> Colors A tall double-flowering class very largely <br> sold but not equal to the imnroved varieties 3 <br> COMET ASTEBS See pa aelC- 10 <br> CBOWW or COCABDEATT The centre of each <br> flower is white surrounded by a broad margin of <br> color such as crimson rose violet etc ; flowers <br> large and freely produced; height 18 inches to 2 <br> feet Mixed Colors 10 <br> Imported Colh'itinn of 6 separate colors 40c <br> DATBBEAK ASTER See page 77 15 <br> DWABF-PYRAMIDAl BOUQUET Pretty <br> class; very profuse producing 20 to 50 heads of <br> bloom; grows 1 foot high Mixed Colors 10 <br> OOLUEN BAUTO SIA <br> DWARF CHRYSA VTUE MU M-FLOWEBED ASTER <br> Hf <br> JAPA NESE TASKKl ASTER <br> ASTERS � Continued <br> DAHI IA-FI OWEBED Beautiful and distinct <br> \ plant jiroduces about iiO faultless semi-spherical <br> flowers composed of short thickly set imbricated <br> petals having the appearance of a Lilllput Dahlia <br> Dahlia-flowered Snow Ball pure white Pjtf 10 <br> � Princess w hite shaded with rose and blush 10 <br> � Bosalind bright rose 10 <br> � Mixed Colors 10 <br> JUBILEE ASTERS SVepn e 77 10 <br> JAPANESE TASSEL Immense flowers 5 to <br> Indus icross with long narrow curly petals <br> giving the appearance of disheveled lapanese <br> Chrysanthemums; plants vigorous and free-flower- <br> ing about 15 inches high The colors are flesh <br> I ink white rose crimson lavender and violet <br> which we offer in Mixed Colors 10 <br> LONG-STEMMED UPRIGHT WHITE AS- <br> TER For Cut Flowers A tall variety 30 <br> inches high carrying 20 to 25 large and double <br> jiure white flowers The steins are stiff and strong <br> and from 2o to 24 inches long and in consequence <br> of exceptionnl value for cutting 10 <br> OSTRICH PLUME ASTERS See page 77 10 <br> PERFECTION ASTERS See page 76 10 <br> POMPON CROWN 'Iliese grow compactly about <br> 12 iTiilics hiirh Iii' iring great numbers of densely <br> lonble flowers 2 to 2VL inclies across Each flower <br> has a distinct white centre encircled with some <br> other color Mixed Colors 10 <br> QUEEN OF THE EARLIES The earliest of all <br> \sters Plants dwarf bloom freely; double flowera <br> borne on long stems of value foi' cutting <br> White 10 I Scarlet 10 <br> Indig-o 10 I Mixed Colors 10 <br> RED HUSSAB A new and brilliant glowing scar- <br> let \ster free from the magenta tinge usual in red <br> \sters; the flowers 3 to4 inches acro ss areglobular <br> double to the centre and borne freely on sturdy <br> candelabra-branching plants about 15 Inches higii; <br> an c x cliiiglv effective bedder 10 <br> SEMPLE'S BBANCHING See pa A'e 77 <br> TBIUMPH Beautiful Dwarf Asters 7 to 8 inches <br> high bearing 30 to 40 flowers from 2 4 to 3 inches <br> across of faultless form and exquisite beaut v <br> Mixed Colors 10 <br> VICTORIA ASTERS See page 77 10 <br> VICTORIA NEEDLE Large flowers composed of <br> ietals twisted as rfiund as knitting-needles uni ue <br> and charming Plants about IS im-lies high <br> branching and floriferous Mixed Colors 10 <br> AURICULA <br> Beautiful low-growing early spring-flowering plants <br> fine for borders pot culture etc ; the fragrant flowers <br> of many rich colors are borne in clusters on the top of <br> stalks 4 to 6 inches long Pkt 10 <br> BALLOON VINE <br> A rapid-growing handsome Slimmer climber small <br> white flowers followed by iiifl;ite l seed-vessels shaped <br> like small balloons 10 to 15 feet ; annual Pkt 5 <br> DOUBLE BALSAMS <br> For nexyrr varieties see page 70 <br> An old favorite summer-garden annual ; height 1 <br> to 2 feet <br> Crimson Spotted White Pkt 5 <br> Lavender 5 <br> Striped White Red and Purple 5 <br> White 5 <br> Speckled Beauty White speckled i <br> Brimstone Sulphur yellow 5 <br> Double Mixed 5 <br> GOLDEN BARTONIA <br> AUREA Showiest and brightest of garden flowers; <br> large golden blossoms borne in great profusion all <br> summer Ifoot; annual Pkt t <br> Do not forget to select the premium your order entitles you to <br> SEE <br> Page J 42383191 133997 66553 Page 102 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383191 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Aristolochia sipho NameConfirmed Aristolochia sipho LHer EOLID 596603 NameFound Arnebia NameConfirmed Arnebia EOLID 2877569 NameBankID 1798315 NameFound Asparagus NameConfirmed Asparagus var pygmaeus Makino EOLID 10487111 NameFound Asperula odorata NameConfirmed Asperula odorata L 1753 EOLID 8741720 NameFound Auricula NameConfirmed Auricula EOLID 15518830 NameBankID 241260 NameFound Bartonia NameConfirmed Bartonia EOLID 71002 NameBankID 2653229 NameFound Chryanntliemum NameFound Fltunosiis nanus NameFound Indus icross Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383191 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383191 bhlGardenStories Aster Auricula Golden Bartonia BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories golden bartonia bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16854182975 2015-08-24 20 55 38 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Aster Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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