Keywords: Everything for the garden (16854204875).jpg PETER HEMDERSON 6 CO NEW YORK <br> 113 <br> POLYANTHUS <br> PHYSALIS FRANCHETL <br> JAPANESE WINTER CHERRY <br> Showy annual about is inches high bearing large <br> red cherry-like fruits each enclosed in an enormous bal- <br> loon-like semi-transparent calyx about three Indies <br> long at first light green gradually changing to yellow <br> then orange and finally to crimson Effective in the <br> autumn garden or grown in pots Pkt 10 <br> PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORA <br> Large-flowered Cliinese Bell Plower Hardy <br> perennials beaiing large broad bell-shaped white <br> or blue flowers; very handsome for garden decora- <br> tion I'afeet The -Yana fompaefa or A arjesii <br> type form sturdy little bushes only about 12 Inchea <br> high and are profuse bloomers <br> Grandlflora WMte Pkt 10 <br> Blue 10 <br> Mixed 10 <br> Nana Compacta Bltie Mariean 10 <br> Wliite 10 <br> POLYANTHUS <br> Primilla Elatior An early -blooming primrose for <br> spring flower beds or pot culture; the large umbels <br> of flowers are borne on stalks 8 inches tall <br> PolyanthTis Mixed Colors Pkt 5 <br> Blue-flowered Large umbels of lavender blue <br> and violet flowers 10 <br> POPPIES <br> FoT novelties in Poppies see page 95 <br> Double Carnation-flowered Magnificent garden <br> annuals 2 to 21a feet high; large globular flowers <br> often a foot in circumference of the greatest variety <br> of colors; the edges are finely slashed and fringed <br> Eider-Do ra Snow-white Pkt 5 <br> Mikado White edged crimson 5 <br> Fairy Blush White tipped rose 5 <br> Chamois Pink Exquisite 5 <br> Brilliant Scarlet 5 <br> Brig-it Coppery Bose 5 <br> Soft Lavender 5 <br> Light Yellow 5 <br> Mixed Carnation-flowered Many colors 3 <br> Collections of Carnation-Oowered Poppies 6 separate <br> varieties 2' c 12 rarieties 40c <br> SOTTBLE P2 01I 7-FL0W£BED POPPIES <br> Immense double smooth-edged broad-petaled <br> flowers resembling Pieonies Height about 2 feet <br> Rosy Mom Rosy pink salmon pink and white 5 <br> Lady in White Pure white 5 <br> Firebrand Fiery orange-scarlet 3 <br> El Dorado Light yellow 5 <br> Black Knight Rich black-maroon 5 <br> American Flag Pure white margined scarlet 5 <br> Lavender Beauty Deep lavender 3 <br> Chamois Bose Large; perfect ball-shaped flowers 5 <br> Double Paeony-flowered Poppies Mixed 5 <br> Collections of Double Pseony-tloweied Poppies <br> 6 separate colors 25c ; 12 separate colors 40c <br> VARIOUS DOUBLE POPPIES <br> Double French Banunculus-flowered Poppies <br> Mixed Colors Beautiful double flowers about 2 <br> inches across of every imaginable shade color and <br> variegation; very profuse and continuous bloomers <br> Height about 2 feet Pkt 5 <br> Double Umbrosum Uwarf plant double flowers <br> of scarlet-vermilion with black blotches 10 <br> Japanese Double Miniature Compact bushy <br> plan rs only 8 inches high bearing great numbers of <br> beautiful small very double flowers in a great <br> variet v of colors 5 <br> Double Shirley Poppies Mixed Colors Mostly <br> df uble or semi-double 1'he colors range from white <br> through pinks to scarlet Some are red with white <br> edges and others veined and streaked and flaked 10 <br> ICELAND POPPY <br> POPPIES SINGLE ANNUAL <br> Single Mixed Poppies Annual sorts Pkt 5 <br> Mephisto Poppies Enormous single flowers <br> with dcejily fringed edges 3 feet <br> Scarlet with purple aentre 10 <br> Bose with white centre 10 <br> Empress of China Enormous flowers of satiny <br> white with a feathered margin of scarlet 2 feet 10 <br> Tulip Poppy Vivid scarlet tulip-shaped flowers <br> jirofuse and handsome 1 foet 10 <br> Flag of Truce Very large satiny white flowers lO <br> Danebrog Bright scarlejb wnth a white cross 5 <br> Umbrosum Rich vermilion with black spots 5 <br> English Scarlet The scarlet field Poppy 5 <br> Peacock Cherry scarlet with a black zone 5 <br> Fire Dragon Brilliant scarlet witk black spots <br> margined white 5 <br> Shirley Wonderfully pretty profuse and con- <br> tinuous-blooming poppies with a bright tissue- <br> paper-like appearance The eolors range from <br> white through shades of pink to glowing scarlet <br> Some are red with white edges and others veined <br> and streaked and flaked from the centre toward the <br> edges in the most charming confusion <br> Shirley Mixed Colors Extra fine strain � 5 <br> Shirley Fiery Scarlet Brilliant scarlet 5 <br> Shirley Bose Pink Exquisite warm pink 5 <br> Imported collection of single annual Poppies <br> separa te varieties 2ae <br> ICELAND POPPIES <br> Papaver nudicaule <br> Although hardy perennials these Poppies bloom <br> the first season from spring-sown seed The fragrant <br> elegant crushed satin-like flowers are produced in <br> never-ceasing succession from the beginning of June <br> to October The flowers last quite a week if cut as <br> soon as open <br> Bright Yellow Pif r I Pure White 10 <br> Vivid Scarlet 10 Bose Colored 10 <br> Gold Tinged Crimson 10 <br> Double Scarlet 10 <br> Mixed Colors 10 <br> Collection of above 6 Iceland Poppies 30c <br> HARDY PERENNIAL POPPIES <br> For permanent beds these brilliant large-flowering <br> hardy Poppies stand unrivaled ; the flowers average 6 <br> to 9 Indies across and are simply grand; the plants <br> are robust growers 3 to 4 feet high <br> Bracteatum Orange-scarlet Pkt 5 <br> Orientale Dark scarlet purple spots 10 <br> THe-w Orientale Hybrids Containing charming <br> iifw i'oIdts iink blotched purple blood-red blotched <br> black glowing scarlet reddish orange salmon etc <br> Mixed Colors _ 25 <br> PORTULACA <br> Brilliant garden annuals 3 inches high luxuriating <br> in warm situations and blooming profusely from <br> earl v summer to autumn For low beds and masses <br> of color from spring until frost they are indispen- <br> sable; colors range through innumerable shades of <br> red yellow pink striped white etc <br> Single Mixed Peroz 4 Jc Pkt 5 <br> DOUBLE PORTULACA These make perfet-tly <br> gorgeous mas-ses of color; the flowers of the double <br> sorts are like little roses <br> Dotible White 10 <br> Bose Striped Carmine 10 <br> Yellow Striped Crimson 10 <br> Scarlet 10 Double Bose Color 10 <br> Sulphur lo Orange 10 <br> Salmon 10 i Purple 10 <br> Double Mixed Per 1 000 seeds 25c 10 <br> Imported collection of 12 separate double sorts Toe <br> PREMIUMS Your own Selection of seeds plants bulbs or books See our liberal offer on page 5 42383202 133997 66553 Page 113 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383202 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Bracteatum NameFound Compacta NameConfirmed Compacta EOLID 10934908 NameBankID 2627020 NameFound Mephisto NameConfirmed Mephisto EOLID 27217 NameBankID 4505763 NameFound Papaver nudicaule NameConfirmed Papaver nudicaule EOLID 594728 NameBankID 2645658 NameFound Physalis NameConfirmed Physalis EOLID 11196159 NameBankID 1761345 NameFound Platycodon grandiflora NameFound Polyanthus NameConfirmed Polyanthus NameBankID 3485302 NameFound Primilla NameFound Umbrosum NameConfirmed Umbrosum NameBankID 5138497 NameFound Yana fompaefa Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383202 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383202 bhlGardenStories Polyanthus Carnation Flowered Poppy Tulip Poppy Iceland Poppy Platycodon grandiflora BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories carnation flowered poppy tulip poppy iceland poppy bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16854204875 2015-08-24 20 57 44 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |