MAKE A MEME View Large Image F. W. Bolgiano, seedsmen have won confidence for ten years (16186099958).jpg ESTABLISHED 1889 <br> m <br> F W BOLGIANO'S <br> QQQ NATIONAL CAPITOL iQQQ <br> I O v7 W GROUND I O W W <br> LAWN GRASS <br> One Pound 25c 25 Poiiuds 4 50 <br> It ...
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Keywords: F. W. Bolgiano, seedsmen have won confidence for ten years (16186099958).jpg ESTABLISHED 1889 <br> m <br> F W BOLGIANO'S <br> QQQ NATIONAL CAPITOL iQQQ <br> I O v7 W GROUND I O W W <br> LAWN GRASS <br> One Pound 25c 25 Poiiuds 4 50 <br> It Never Fails to Give Satisiaction <br> Having made the selection of Fine Lawn Grasses a specialty for many years we are enabled <br> to offer an article superior m all respects and acknowledged by <br> all who have used it to be the best <br> « o <br> �z o <br> <br> DIRECTIONS FOR SEEDING A LAWN <br> Grass is Nature's Carpet and when a lawn is composed of suitable grasses compactly covering <br> the entire surface it becomes a surpassing pleasure and ornamentation The eye never tires of the <br> delicate evergreen so restful to the sight Lawns should be sown with blended grasses which will <br> hold their green through the hot dry summer and not lose color during the freezes of winter A <br> first -class lawn will continue indefinitely its beautiful velvet surface and can be kept in perennial <br> freshness by an annual top dressing of fertilizer or manure A level surface is preferred for lawns <br> to avoid washes at the time of severe freshets but a gentle incline may be desirable and is certainly <br> beautiful Springtime and autumn are the favorite seasons for making lawns but any time from <br> early spring to fall will do unless a severe protracted drought prevails Spade deeply make the <br> ground tine smooth and mellow; then rake the soil and sow the seed If a rain occurs simultane- <br> ously with the seed sowing it will cover the seed enough; but if dry the soil should be pressed <br> with the back of a spade or rolled with a light roller A suitable fertilizer should be incorporated <br> with the soil when the lawn is being prepared and bone is preferred because its fertilizing quality <br> is gradually imparted to the soil and its effect is lasting A top dressing at any time imparts new <br> thrift to the sod Be careful to sow the seed regularly and evenly over the entire surface otherwise <br> bare spaces will disfigure the lawn But when this happens rake over the bare places and sow seed <br> there Be liberal in the use of seed when making a lawn for if done rightly a young healthy <br> beautiful velvet green sod will soon delight the eye and reward all labor and expense <br> One pound Bolgiano's Lawn Grass cleaned of chaff will go as four quarts grass seed sold by <br> the measure Add 7 cents pci' pound on Lawn Grass if to go by mail <br> F W BOLGIANO <br> 1 ; 5 15 Street N <br> MV iU 14tli Street <br> X W <br> TELEPHONE Siir <br> WASHINGTON I - <br> 42158400 132780 65933 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42158400 1899 10 5962/bhl title 65933 F W Bolgiano Co ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library F W Bolgiano seedsmen have won confidence for ten years Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Fruit Garden tools Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42158400 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42158400 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16186099958 2015-08-24 07 51 30 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 F W Bolgiano seedsmen have won confidence for ten years Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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