Keywords: Faces of RIMPAC 160709-N-DC018-022.jpg en French Navy Commissaire Florian Keller a supply officer wears many hats for his ship He serves as a human resources professional supply logistics specialist answers financial and legal questions as well as operational functions to include officer of the watch and a member of the ship �s boarding team Keller has been in naval service four years and this is his first ship During his time in the navy Keller has seen most of the world His ship the French Navy Floréal-class frigate FS Prairial F 731 is stationed in Tahiti French Polynesia and does missions throughout the Pacific Ocean Keller says he entered naval service to do something exciting and discover the world One of my favorite things is serving as officer of the watch during the night said Keller To see the sky to have all the ocean for me it �s very interesting it �s very impressive for me The world feels vast under the stars I feel free to roam and am humbled at the same time Keller says the most rewarding part of his time in service has and continues to be cultural exchange and experiencing as many cultures of the world as he can Once while ported on the Ivory Coast Keller recalls reading a story to a child during a community relations project It was very important to me to have this exchange with this little boy says Keller adding that he felt like he was making a positive impact on the life of another This is Keller �s first time at Rim of the Pacific Twenty-six nations more than 40 ships and submarines more than 200 aircraft and 25 000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from June 30 to Aug 4 in and around the Hawaiian Islands and Southern California The world's largest international maritime exercise RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity that helps participants foster and sustain the cooperative relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world's oceans RIMPAC 2016 is the 25th exerc <br>Unit Commander U S 3rd Fleet 2016-07-09 Petty Officer 2nd Class Antonio Turretto Ramos https //www dvidshub net/image/2724973/faces-rimpac 160709-N-DC018-022 2016-07-15 20 17 JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM HI US PD-USGov-Military-Navy Foreign military personnel at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam RIMPAC 2016 Images from DoD uploaded by Fæ |