Keywords: Fact Findings, r. John Osborn Williams 48 years l. Hon.Thomas Lodge.jpg en Fact Findings in relation to The Public Enquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd held in St John �s Newfoundland 1945 regarding logging operations in Port Hope Simpson Newfoundland and Labrador Canada circ 1934-1946 in context of the two unsolved deaths 3 February 1940 of Arthur Eric Williams eldest son of the Owner John Osborn Williams and Erica D'Anitoff Williams Eric's infant daughter Further information Tombstone The British Government �s Cover-Up Port Hope Simpson Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Part 3/3 What was really going on behind the scenes For the first time de-classified official British Government papers shine new light on amongst other things Government mis-management as knowledge hidden by an incongruous granite tombstone in Port Hope Simpson Newfoundland Labrador Canada marked the starting point for this unique history of development of a logging settlement in southern Labrador Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 978-1468019469 ISBN-10 1468019465 VSO Labrador Clues Voluntary Service Overseas VSO in Newfoundland and Labrador Canada 1960-70 Have you ever thought about helping other people not as fortunate as yourself Well that is exactly what 53 young 18 �19 year olds mainly from the UK set out to do from 1960-70 Turn the clock forward 33 years and discover what is still going on today A true story about the current on-going search for the remaining 7 / 53 Voluntary Service Overseas VSO 18 year olds who worked in the schools of the small coastal communities of Labrador Newfoundland Canada 1960-70 Llewelyn Pritchard MA ISBN-13 978-1468021097 ISBN-10 1468021095 Friends across the Miles VSOs - an important part of Labrador Education History Voluntary Service Overseas Newspaper and magazine articles about the work of the Voluntary Service Overseas V S O teachers in Labrador Newfoundland Canada 1960 � 70 when 18 year old students mainly from the United Kingdom taught in the schools of the Labrador coastal settlements Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 978-1468022094 ISBN-10 1468022091 Labrador Wilderness Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Refresh your body mind and soul Llewelyn Pritchard MA ISBN-13 978-1468026283 ISBN-10 1468026283 Legacy Port Hope Simpson Town Newfoundland and Labrador Canada is based on previously classified British Government documents seen here for the first time It highlights the inescapable fact that 2 unexplained deaths still tarnish the great history of sustainable development achieved by the people of Port Hope Simpson Town in South East Labrador Canada Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 978-1468162851 ISBN-10 1468162853 Port Hope Simpson Clues Newfoundland and Labrador Canada If you like solving puzzles and getting to grips with a real mystery why not join Llewelyn as he penetrates into the fascinating murky and sordid past history of Port Hope Simpson a coastal logging town on the east coast of wilderness Canada as he uncovers a great deal more than he bargained for Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 978-1468019339 ISBN-10 1468019333 Port Hope Simpson Historic Logging Town in Canada is located on the south side of the Alexis an excellent salmon river in southern Labrador It was initially founded in 1934 as a logging camp and was named after the English Commissioner of Natural Resources and Acting-Commissioner of Justice Sir John Hope Simpson This community has great natural assets nearby A full range of visitor services are ready to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable Llewelyn Pritchard MA ISBN-10 1468014722 ISBN-13 9781468014723 Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Oral History Evidence and Interpretation Read about the original Oral History interview with Mrs Kathleen Squire formerly James known as Bunty or Bunty James who was the lifelong friend of Katie Doreen Illsley Williams daughter of J O Williams owner of The Labrador Development Company Ltd which conducted logging operations in Port Hope Simpson 1934 � 1945 Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 978-1468019650 ISBN-10 1468019651 Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path - follow the Labrador Coastal Drive Route 510 in Newfoundland Labrador Canada and discover the Town �s Pit Props Politics Prosperity heroic Struggle of sustainable development towards a better future 1934-2002 Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 978-1468014723 ISBN-10 1468014722 The Port Hope Simpson Diaries1969 - 70 Vol 1 Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Summit Special Learn what it's like to be dropped off in what feels like the middle of nowhere when you are straight out of Grammar School in the UK Ernie Pritchard ISBN-13 978-1468020106 ISBN-10 1468020102 The Port Hope Simpson Diaries 1969 - 70 Vol 2 Newfoundland and Labrador Canada Summit Special The original diaries of Ernie Pritchard - written as a way of helping him adapt to his new surroundings when he was 18 years of age on Voluntary Service Overseas from 1969 to 1970 in Port Hope Simpson Labrador Newfoundland Canada Ernie Pritchard ISBN-13 978-1468020939 ISBN-10 1468020935 Rooted Forever in History consists of Llewelyn Pritchard �s original Research Notes about previously classified British Government documents regarding the troubled History of Port Hope Simpson Newfoundland and Labrador Canada from 1934 � 1947 Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 9781468172270 SBN-10 1468172271 The Port Hope Simpson Challenge The plot thickens If you like climbing high mountains get-rich-quick schemes hoary tales mysteries political corruption and intrigue problem-solving puzzles or if you just fancy an extremely difficult challenge then please read on Llewelyn Pritchard M A ISBN-13 978-1468016468 ISBN-10 1468016466 by Llewelyn Pritchard MA 2015-08-08 Public Record Office Public Record Office other versions cc-zero Uploaded with UploadWizard Port Hope Simpson Newfoundland and Labrador Ogmore-by-Sea Southerndown Dunraven Bay John Osborn Williams John Hope Simpson Pit props Cardiff Docks Barry Docks Dominion of Newfoundland Newfoundland and Labrador in the 1940s Canada in the 1940s World War II in 1940 Newfoundland Ranger Force Commission of Government Labrador History of Newfoundland and Labrador Canada in the World Wars and Interwar Years |