Keywords: Faddei70.JPG Thaddeus of Edessa Thaddeus of the Seventy Disciples Encaustic painting Fragment of Agar receivinh the Mandilion from Thaddeus Фаддей апостол из 70-ти Энкаустическая икона Ве� хняя часть левой ство� ки т� иптиха с ут� аченным с� едником Часть композиции «Авга� ь получает � е� укотво� ный Об� аз от апостола Фаддея» Saint Catherine's Monastery Mount Sinai > 994 ByzPainter <gallery> image Avgar poluchaet Nerukotvorny obraz jpg</gallery> PD-Art Icons of apostles Icons from Saint Catherine's Monastery Mount Sinai 10th-century icons of Byzantine Empire Encaustic icons Icons of saints - T Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Thaddeus of Edessa |