Keywords: Faraday and Daniell 1849 RGNb10408769 f85.tif en Portrait of Michael Faraday 22 September 1791 � 25 August 1867 John Frederic Daniell 12 March 1790 � 13 March 1845 from Sketches of the Royal Society and Royal Society Club by Sir John Barrow Bart F R S London John Murray 1849 facing page 85 Under the picture are signatures for Faraday and Daniell then the note ENGRAVED BY GEO BARCLAY GERRARD ST SOHO FROM A DAGUERROTYPE BY MR BEARD ca 1840 engraving Institution Chemical Heritage Foundation object history exhibition history credit line http //www chemheritage org/ Chemical Heritage Foundation accession number http //othmerlib chemheritage org/record b1040876~S6 Q41 L85 B36 1849 Roy G Neville Historical Chemical Library http //www chemheritage org/ Chemical Heritage Foundation Image downloaded with permission from the Chemical Heritage Foundation as part of the Wikipedian in Residence initiative CHF-cooperation PD-old-100 John Frederic Daniell 1840 Michael Faraday 1840 |