MAKE A MEME View Large Image Farm and garden annual (16172348634).jpg A C U R R I E Sc C Q Wuo Wisconsin St Milwauk ee Wis f <br> PULL-EASY CULTIVATOR NO 5 PULL-EASY CULTIVATOR RAKE NO 9 <br> The 5-prong adjustable Pull-Easy It Thl ; 9-tooth Cultivator Rake is thp best ... MemeMaker
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Keywords: Farm and garden annual (16172348634).jpg A C U R R I E Sc C Q Wuo Wisconsin St Milwauk ee Wis f <br> PULL-EASY CULTIVATOR NO 5 PULL-EASY CULTIVATOR RAKE NO 9 <br> The 5-prong adjustable Pull-Easy It Thl ; 9-tooth Cultivator Rake is thp best <br> IS hgrht � sturdy � well balanced and in- Pull-Easy tool <br> \ S« S W a \l 'ijustable to cultivate rows from The teeth are shorter than on the PES <br> ��'\ M - WU WpLhI �� iK - v f -o o but will make the finest seedbed possible <br> - VT -s I nS /I VVeight 3 lbs Packed tor Parcel Post Weight 3 lbs Packed for Parrel Pn«t <br> -V ' r® If shipment weight 4 lbs Price 1 50 eaoh shipping 4 fbs Price 1 75 each <br> PULL-EASY VHEEL CULTIVATOR NO 1 NORGROSS CULTIVATORS <br> AND NO 3 Detachable steel prongs malleable head <br> » �«/ vpy With the S-prong No 5 Cultivator at- 5-prong- 4 ft handle weight 3 lbs 1 25 <br> if tached or with the 9-tooth a keen edged 3-prong 4 ft handle weight 2 lbs l OO <br> high carbon tool steel weed cutter 9 inches Midget 9 in handle weight 12 ozs 50 <br> wide <br> Pull-Easy Cultivator No 5 I'rico 4 50 each By Parcel Post 13 lbs \\\ <br> GILSON GARDEN TOOLS �� - <br> fji f �� �� ff Gllson Vee ler <br> j L 3w»B'nyij II _ i ilsnw AVeeder � <br> THENARKJNRl/forciiMiTY I J « ' ' �� 5 feBSB9iJ 3 1/2 inch Rocker blade 1W 90 <br> / gj M 'J /Jw~ m inch Rocker blade 95 <br> vp-UJ �� la /Jw / Liberty Ailjiistable 6 inch Rocker blade l OO <br> Cultivator 8 inch Rocker blade 1 10 <br> LIRERTV \D IUSTABLE CULTIVATOR � AVEEDER <br> Adjusts readily to a width of 4 to 10 inches The middle tooth can be quickly re- <br> moved to straddle the row Ash handle 5 feet long AVith 5 malleable iron teeth 1 15; <br> with 7 teeth 1 40; with 9 teeth 1 10 <br> Liberty Scratch Vt'eeder <br> 5 Points 6 inch handle 0 20 <br> 7 Points 14 inch handle 0 <br> With spud attachment 45 <br> No 1 <br> LinERTV M'HEEL CULTIVATOR <br> with 7 teeth and 14-in wheel ;i S5; No 2 with 9 teeth and 16-in wheel 4 15 <br> PLANET JR GARDEN TOOLS <br> Seed Drills Wheel Hoes Cultivators etc Complete Illustrated Catalog of Planet <br> Tr Tools mailed on application <br> SAAO STEEL SELF-VV VTERING PLANT <br> BOXES <br> Made of heavy galvanized steel with <br> neat round corners beautifully finished <br> in aluminum or dark green enamel <br> ALL YEAR ROUND G VRDEN <br> Directions for using Fir ' t place <br> coarse gravel pebbles broken flower <br> pots charcoal or moss about 2 inches <br> deep over the top of the double arched <br> reservoir coming up to the top of drain- <br> age hole on side of the box then fill the <br> box with good rich black dirt fill the <br> reservoir with water and sow the seed <br> or install the plants and see them grow <br> Standard Stock Sizes and Price List <br> Model A 6 in high 6 in wide 23 <br> in long 3 50 <br> Model B 8 in high 9 in wide 29 <br> in long 4 00 <br> Model C 8 in high 9 in wide 35 <br> in long 4 50 <br> Model D 8 in high 9 in wide 41 <br> in long 5 00 <br> Model E 8 in high 12 in wide 12 <br> in long 3 50 <br> Model F 12 in high 12 in wide 12 <br> in long 4 00 <br> These are outside measurements in- <br> cluding the -inch roll rim Special sizes <br> made to order when required <br> Only water once a week No surface <br> watering <br> LITTLE WONDER HEDGE <br> TRIMMER <br> Makes hedge trimming easy Any <br> untrained person can cut one hun- <br> dred running feet of hedge top and <br> two sides three feet high in twenty <br> minutes Weight of machine 12 lbs <br> Price 30 00 <br> AVATERING POTS <br> Made of strong galvanized iron <br> with two roses one fine and one <br> coarse with each pot; round with <br> long spout <br> Price t quart 3 75; 8 quart 4 2 ' <br> THE UNIVERSAL PLANT SUPPORT <br> Is adapted for plants such as <br> Peonies Tomatoes Dahlias etc It <br> is simple and easy to pla-ce It is <br> made of galvanized wire in two <br> pieces 15 inches in diameter and <br> legs are 24 inches long <br> The four legs are stuck in the <br> ground and the two half circles are <br> hooked together like a hook and eye <br> Price eaeh 30c; Per Do 3 0O; <br> I»cr lOO 27 '»0 <br> THE UNIVERSAL GARDEN ARCH <br> Used for protecting flower beds <br> against dogs etc Made of heavy <br> wire painted green <br> Price each 10c; doz 1 0O;; 100 <br> 7 50 <br> czx <br> feisaajs <br> �� �� fi j - �� �� - ��' f - �- ' ' �� 1 �� - �� �� � ' <br> Little Wonder Hedj e Trimmer <br> RUBBER SPRINKLER SCOLLAY'S <br> The florist's sprinkler No 1 large <br> 1 40; by mail 1 50 <br> Scoilaj's Rubber I'utty Di-stributor <br> Price 1 40; by mail 1 50 <br> Watering Pot <br> 94 <br> Scollay's S riukler 42216677 133098 66159 Page 94 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42216677 1918 10 5962/bhl title 66159 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Farm and garden annual 1922 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42216677 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42216677 bhlGardenStories A Currie Company Milwaukee Wis Garden Tools and Implements BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories a currie company milwaukee wis garden tools and implements bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-12 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16172348634 2015-08-24 20 54 55 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Farm and garden annual 1918 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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