MAKE A MEME View Large Image Farquhar's catalogue of seeds 1901 (16395963878).jpg – 30 <br> R cr / FARQUHAR CO 'S SEED CATALOGUE <br> No <br> 615 <br> 620 <br> 622 <br> 623 <br> 625 <br> 630 <br> 640 <br> ™¦ ¢ 4 <br> 650 <br> 662 <br> 653 <br> 656 <br> Pkt <br> ...
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Keywords: Farquhar's catalogue of seeds 1901 (16395963878).jpg ��30 <br> R cr / FARQUHAR CO 'S SEED CATALOGUE <br> No <br> 615 <br> 620 <br> 622 <br> 623 <br> 625 <br> 630 <br> 640 <br> �� � 4 <br> 650 <br> 662 <br> 653 <br> 656 <br> Pkt <br> AR1STOLOCHIA Elegans Handsome greenhouse <br> climber with curiously-shaped flowers ; reddish-purple <br> veined with white the eye being golden yellow 10 <br> Sipho Dutchman's Pipe A well-known hardy <br> climber of luxuriant and rapid growth with large heart- <br> shaped leaves and curious pipe-shaped yellowish- <br> brown flowers Thirty feet 10 <br> ARMERIA Cephalotes Thrift or Sea Pink A <br> pretty hardy perennial for edgings with showy pink <br> blossoms One foot 05 <br> � Alba White blossoms 05 <br> Formosa Large rosy-crimson flowers One-and-a- <br> half feet � 05 <br> Maritime Laucheana Fine crimson One-and-a- <br> half feet � � 05 <br> ARTEMISIA Gracilis A hardy annual much <br> esteemed for its fine bluish-green foliage One-and-a- <br> half feet 05 <br> ASCLEPIAS Curassavica Swallow Wort <br> Half-hardy perennial with brilliant scarlet flowers; <br> should be protected in winter Two feet 05 <br> Tuberosa Flowers orange-red very showy; an excel- <br> lent hardy perennial for borders and grouping in <br> shrubbery Two feet 10 <br> ASPARAGUS Plumosus Nanus A graceful plant <br> with tinely-cut feathery foliage; valuable for conserva- <br> tory decoration or cutting ; naif-hardy perennial Two <br> American <br> Branching Aster <br> ASTERS <br> Our Asters are grown for us by specialists from the <br> finest strains in the world and are unrivalled <br> No Pkt <br> AMERICAN BRANCHING Semple's or Vick's <br> Branching A free-growing Aster of robust erect <br> habit ; producing large feathery blossoms resembling <br> Japanese Chrysanthemums ; one of the finest for <br> cutting Height three feet <br> Finest Mixed <br> 673 <br> 675 <br> 676 <br> 677 <br> 678 <br> 679 <br> 3 00 ; Y ounce 50 <br> 10 <br> 3 50 <br> ' 60 <br> 10 <br> 3 50 <br> ' 60 <br> 10 <br> 3 50 <br> « 60 <br> 10 <br> 3 50 <br> ' 60 <br> 10 <br> 3 50 <br> ' 60 <br> 10 <br> 680 <br> 690 <br> 6 5 <br> feet <br> 50 <br> 660 <br> 665 <br> 672 <br> Sprengeri The drooping feathery foliage of this <br> variety makes it invaluable for hanging baskets as well <br> as bouquet use 50 <br> ASPERULA Azurea Setosa Hardy annual with <br> numerous sweet-scented blue flowers remaining long <br> in bloom One foot 05 <br> Hexaphylla White; hardy perennial 05 <br> Odorata Sweet Woodruff Hardy perennial <br> thriving in partial shade and producing in May <br> numerous pure white sweet-scented blossoms ; the <br> leaves and flowers are fragrant when dried and are <br> used to perfume clothes Height nine inches <br> ASPHODELUS Albus Hardy perennial with white <br> stately flower spikes of great beauty Two feet <br> Lutea Yellow fragrant flowers Four feet <br> O - <br> OB <br> 06 <br> Crimson <br> Dark Blue <br> Light Blue <br> Rose-Pink <br> White <br> BETTERIDGE'S Improved Quilled The fines <br> form of Aster having quilled or tubed-shaped petals ; <br> flowers large and quite double Height two feet <br> Collection of Twelve Distinct Varieties 40 <br> Collection of Six Distinct Varieties 25 <br> Finest Mixed l /s ounce 30 05 <br> BOLTZE'S Dwarf Bouquet The plants are of <br> dsvarf pyramidal form and very free-flowering fre- <br> quently bearing fifty or more flowers on a plant Height <br> nine inches <br> 700 Collection of Six Distinct Varieties 30 <br> 705 Finest Mixed Ounce 3 00; oz 50 10 <br> BOSTON FLORISTS' A fine variety with large full <br> flowers the outer petals of which are gracefully re- <br> curved The plants attain a height of about two feet <br> branching freely from near the ground so that the <br> flowers have long stems <br> Finest Mixed Oz f2 50 <br> 710 <br> 712 <br> 716 <br> 720 <br> 730 <br> 736 <br> 7+0 <br> Brilliant Rose <br> Dark Blue <br> Light Blue <br> Peach Blossom <br> Scarlet <br> White <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 <br> l /s ounce 40 10 <br> 50 10 <br> 50 10 <br> 50 10 <br> 50 10 <br> 50 10 <br> 50 10 42284029 133538 66475 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42284029 1901 10 5962/bhl title 66475 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; R J Farquhar Company NameFound Albus NameFound Armeria NameConfirmed Armeria sp cult EOLID 71427 NameFound Artemisia NameConfirmed Artemisia EOLID 37526 NameBankID 1675075 NameFound Artemisia NameConfirmed Artemisia EOLID 37526 NameBankID 2657282 NameFound Asclepias NameConfirmed Asclepias EOLID 11215084 NameBankID 2653377 NameFound Asparagus NameConfirmed Asparagus var pygmaeus Makino EOLID 10487111 NameFound Asperula NameConfirmed Asperula EOLID 11283722 NameBankID 2657134 NameFound Asphodelus NameConfirmed Asphodelus L EOLID 32870 NameFound Azurea NameConfirmed Azurea NameBankID 2999179 NameFound Cephalotes NameConfirmed Cephalotes EOLID 10900663 NameBankID 2730369 NameFound Elegans NameConfirmed Elegans NameBankID 5116399 NameFound Gracilis NameConfirmed Gracilis NameBankID 5085375 NameFound Hexaphylla NameFound Laucheana NameFound Nanus NameConfirmed Nanus EOLID 73713 NameBankID 2610066 NameFound Plumosus NameFound Setosa NameConfirmed Setosa EOLID 106889 NameBankID 3485568 NameFound Sipho NameConfirmed Sipho EOLID 16239689 NameBankID 4344323 NameFound TUBEROSA NameConfirmed Tuberosa NameBankID 4880980 Biodiversity Heritage Library Farquhar's catalogue of seeds 1901 plants bulbs fertilizers tools sundries / Garden Stories Bedding plants Boston Catalogs Climbing plants Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Massachusetts Nurseries Horticulture Nursery stock Perennials R J Farquhar Company Seeds Shrubs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42284029 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42284029 bhlGardenStories Aster BHLinbloom nurseries horticulture r j farquhar company u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-19 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16395963878 2015-08-24 02 53 35 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Bedding plants Climbing plants Farquhar's catalogue of seeds 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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