Keywords: Feodosy A. Veselago.jpeg ru Феодосий Александ� ович Веселаго ге� ой Пе� вой ми� овой войны 1915 Иллюст� и� ованное п� иложение к газете «� овое В� емя» за сентяб� ь 1916 года �� 13557 author Custom license marker 2013 04 23 PD-RusEmpire Uploaded with UploadWizard 1877 births 1915 deaths 20th-century men of Russia Baikal Cossack People Eastern Orthodox Christians Knights of the Order of St Anna Knights of the Order of St Vladimir Men with glasses Men with moustaches Military personnel killed in World War I People with medals Portraits of men wearing hats Recipients of the Order of Saint George IV Class Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus Russian Russian military personnel of the Great War Russian military personnel of the Russo-Japanese War |