Keywords: Filles nicolas rasées.jpg Nicholas II in the garden of the Alexander Palace The grand duchesses had their heads shaved in the spring of 1917 following a bout with measles From left to right Grand Duchesses Anastasia Tatiana Olga and Maria Nikolaevna Ца� ское Село Доче� и � иколая II в па� ке у дво� ца после болезни Nicolas II http //samoderzhavnaya ru/image/search/en/ page photo_gilliard_20 type show query eyJwZXJzb25zIjoiW10iLCJiYWNrZ3JvdW5kIjoiW10iLCJwbGFjZXMiOiJcIlwiIiwicGhvdG9ncmFwaGVyIjoiXCJcIiIsImFsYnVtIjoiXCJQaWVycmUgR2lsbGlhcmQgYWxidW1cIiJ9 Romanov Family Album by Pierre Gilliard http //oldsp ru/old/photo/view/19674 http //www gettyimages de/detail/nachrichtenfoto/grand-duchesses-anastasia-tatyana-olga-and-maria-after-nachrichtenfoto/520714041 Heritage Images on Getty Images Romanov family probably Pierre Gilliard spring 1917 PD-RusEmpire Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia in family photographs Maria Nikolaevna of Russia in family photographs Olga Nikolaevna of Russia in family photographs Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia in family photographs Historical images of the Alexander Garden OTMA Media licensed by Getty Images |