Keywords: FireResearch 012.jpg The cause of a fire on the U S Treasury roof occurring during repairs was determined by duplicating the contractor's equipment used for healing the roofing compound The wooden flooring underneath ignited after a sufficiently long heating of the container despite it being insulated from the heater by several inches of sand and slate National Institute of Standards and Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology The images in the Fire Research Photographic Collection are in the public domain and are not subject to copyright in the United States However please pay special attention to the individual works to make sure there are no copyright restrictions indicated Individual works may require securing other permissions from the original copyright holder Use of the images from NIST Digital Collections is not restricted but a statement of attribution is required Please use the following attribution statement National Institute of Standards and Technology Digital Collections Gaithersburg MD 20899 PD-USGov National Bureau of Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology Fire in science |