Keywords: Flag of Iraq (1959-1963).svg علم العراق 1959-1963 تحت عبد الكريم قاسم הדג� ש� עיראק בימי עבד א� -כרי� קאס� Flag of Iraq under the Qassem regime 1959-1963 This has a Kurdish-Arab peace sun in the shape of an eight-pointed star sometimes likened to the ancient Star of Ishtar symbol The flag uses the four Pan-Arab colors in addition to yellow but was intended to move away from explicit Pan-Arab or Nasserite symbolism Qasim promoted an Iraq first identity emphasizing the country's historical status as the cradle of great pre-Arab civilizations He deliberately added the Akkadian eight-point star of Ishtar to the national flag and likewise incorporated the insignia of the sun god Shamash in Iraq's national emblem -- http //www meforum org/518/requiem-for-arab-nationalism According to http //memri org/bin/articles cgi Page archives Area ia ID IA29306 and http //www todayszaman com/tz-web/detaylar do load detay link 36213 Iraqi Kurds prefer this flag to the 1963-2007 forms of the Iraqi national flag with their Pan-Arab and Ba`thist associations For the corresponding state emblem coat of arms see Image Iraq state emblem CoA 1959-1965 Qassem svg For a flag map see File Iraq-flag-map 1959-1963 svg own based on 1959 flag design Created with Text Editor 2006 SVG file Orzetto~commonswiki first-uploaded file version AnonMoos etc PD-Iraq PD-ineligible Insignia SVG flags of Iraq Historical flags of Iraq 1959 SVG flags with an aspect ratio of 2 1 Flags with eight-pointed stars |