MAKE A MEME View Large Image Flowers (15828055354).jpg Tropsolam Jarrattii <br> Beautiful and graceful climbing plants for <br> the conservatory or window garden produc- <br> i rig in the early Spring months richly colored <br> Mowers They can be grown in pots and <br> ...
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Keywords: Flowers (15828055354).jpg Tropsolam Jarrattii <br> Beautiful and graceful climbing plants for <br> the conservatory or window garden produc- <br> i rig in the early Spring months richly colored <br> Mowers They can be grown in pots and <br> trained over low trellises � or as a bracket <br> plant in the window Scarlet yellow and <br> black 15c each 3 for 30 c <br> Triteleia Uniflora <br> Dodecathean Media <br> Shooting Star <br> A very beautiful hardy perennial having <br> large tropical ike leaves throwing up a flow- <br> er spike which is crowned with a great many <br> large cyclamen-like flowers of a lovely rose <br> and white very fragrant a beautiful plant; it <br> can be planted outside in the Fall and will <br> bloom inside in early Spring <br> Plant in rather moist soil It does the best <br> in a little shade <br> 20c each 3 for 25c 10 for 50c <br> DICEKTRA CUCULARIA <br> Dutchman's Breeches <br> A perfectly hardy bulb planted in the Fall <br> will bloom in very early Spring Plants grow <br> about eight inches high and look like a beau- <br> tiful fern Flowers like bleeding heart pro- <br> duced in profusion White tinged with rose <br> 5c each 5 for 20c 10 for 30c <br> TRBTELEIA UNIFLORA <br> The flowers are white tipped and faintly striped lilac-blue <br> A fine window plant if several bulbs are planted in a pot as <br> they bloom steadily for two months and need no fussing <br> with to succeed Out-of-door they form one of the neatest of <br> all Spring edgings increasing rapidly until they form a mat- <br> ted row that from early Spring until early Summer is one <br> mass of starry blooms <br> 2 for 5c 15c per doz <br> _ <br> SHOOTING STAR COLLECTION <br> 2 Dodecathean Media 1 Tropasolum Jarrattii <br> 2 Dutchman's Breeches 3 Tritelia Uniflora <br> This Collection of 9 Bulbs for 35 Cents <br> Dioentra Cueularia 43800639 148987 77812 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43800639 1900 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm NameFound Cucularia NameConfirmed Cucularia NameBankID 9066399 NameFound Triteleia NameConfirmed Triteleia Kieffer 1906 EOLID 2721856 NameFound Tritelia NameFound Tropasolum Biodiversity Heritage Library Flowers Christmas Easter midwinter and spring Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Miss Mary E Martin Firm Nurseries Horticulture Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43800639 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43800639 bhlGardenStories Dutchman's Breeches Shooting Star Triteleia uniflora Tropaolum jarrattii BHLinbloom miss mary e martin firm nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories dutchman's breeches shooting star bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15828055354 2015-08-25 00 53 12 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Miss Mary E Martin Firm seed catalog Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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