Keywords: Flowers (15828078944).jpg The EverbEooming Pansy Geranium <br> This is an everblooruing Lady Washington Geranium a plant that is <br> highly prized by every one The ordinary kinds bloom only once during <br> the year while'this plant is covered with flowers most of the time � win- <br> ter and summer The striking looking flowers liberally cover the plant <br> The flowers are a rich plum purple sometimes almost black while the <br> lower petals are rosy pink and white almost exactly like the Pansy � a <br> very beautiful window plant <br> Strong plants 20c each 3 for 50c <br> Aiiamanda Wiiliamsi <br> Hew <br> Very distinct new pot plant <br> Unlike others of its class this <br> forms a compact bush of dark <br> green foliage with trusses of <br> very large golden yellow deli- <br> ll ciously scented flowers 3 to 4 <br> inches across in greatest profu- <br> sion Blooms throughout the <br> summer and often in winter <br> Of easiest growth Admired by <br> all whoseeit 25c <br> Louise Cfiosson Rex Begonia <br> Louise C lessen �One of the richest and <br> most beautiful of the Rex family The coloring <br> is simply magnificent center of leaf deep bronze <br> with broad band of silverv rose edged bronze <br> 20c 2 for 35c <br> Hew Weeping Lantana <br> Allamanda Williamsi <br> The most beautiful basket plant ever grown <br> Record of one plant � Planted in an ordinary nail keg in May was in <br> flower all the time till August when it had five hundred and ninety clustets of <br> flowers continued in full flower removed to a greenhouse in October to <br> December when three hundred and fifty clusters were counted Av his time <br> every young branch was cut of to propagate but on January 14th it had one <br> hundred beautiful new clusters The plant has a most graceful drooping habit <br> grows rapidly and blooms persistently winter and summer producing a cluster <br> ot flowers at each leaf Color most delicate clear brilliant rosy lilac ; foli- <br> age bright dark green Does equally well in winter or summer <br> 15c each 2 for 25c 43800649 148987 77812 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43800649 1900 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm Biodiversity Heritage Library Flowers Christmas Easter midwinter and spring Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Miss Mary E Martin Firm Nurseries Horticulture Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43800649 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43800649 bhlGardenStories Pansy Geranium Louise Closson Allamanda Williamsi Weeping Lantana BHLinbloom miss mary e martin firm nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories pansy geranium louise closson allamanda williamsi weeping lantana bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15828078944 2015-08-25 00 53 44 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Miss Mary E Martin Firm seed catalog Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |