MAKE A MEME View Large Image Flowers (16264689907).jpg Fragrant Cterodendron <br> i Is a bold-looking plant of good habit <br> producing dense heads of rosy white <br> jessamine-scented flowers remaining <br> perfect a long while and forming a <br> bouquet of their own ...
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Keywords: Flowers (16264689907).jpg Fragrant Cterodendron <br> i Is a bold-looking plant of good habit <br> producing dense heads of rosy white <br> jessamine-scented flowers remaining <br> perfect a long while and forming a <br> bouquet of their own A plant that <br> will please you Distinct 15 cents <br> Asparagus Sprengeri <br> Emerald Feather � Sprays 4 to 5 <br> feet long of fresh green feathery foli- <br> age is useful for bouquets wreaths <br> or spravs remaining perfect for weeks <br> Flowers white very fragrant followed <br> by red berries Good plants 15c each <br> 2 'for 25c Pkt 10 seeds 10c <br> Maw Pink Hibiscus �� �� Peachblow � This is one of the finest free flowering plant novelties offered in recent <br> vJrf It is a 'sport from the double red Hibiscus Rosea-Sinensis ; the flowers are double and from four to five inches in <br> \u£ZktJr- o rffmina -rich clear pinkcolor with a small deep crimson center; an entirely new and most boauti- <br> diameter o a charming ' 68X x0010 k during the entire summer and fall months ; may <br> fill shade; it blooms abundantly ana continuo us y wintered in greenhouse or dwelling Largeplants two or three <br> vears old make a magnificent show It will give great satisfaction to all <br> who grow it either in pots or plants out in the garden It is a good <br> winter bloomer in the greenhouse or sunny window First size Strong <br> well rooted plants each 25c 3 for 60c prepaid <br> The Boston Fern <br> ' Nephrolepis Exaltata Bostoniensis I <br> In the vicinity of Boston no other plant is <br> used so extensivelv as this graceful Nephro- <br> lepis which differs from the ordinary fern 111 <br> having much longer fronds which frequently <br> attain a length of four feet These fronds arch <br> and droop over very gracefully on account <br> of which it is frequently called the fountain <br> fern This drooping habit makes it an excel- <br> lent plant to grow as a single specimen on a <br> table or pedestal 15c 2 for 25c New <br> Asparagus Piumosus Nanus <br> A beautiful climbing plant with bright green gracefully arched foli- <br> age surpassing Maidenhair Ferns in grace delicacy of texture and <br> richness of color The fronds are twelve to fifteen inches m length and <br> taper to a point from a width of twelve inches One of the most beauti- <br> ful decorative plants Each 20c 3 for 50c 43800647 148987 77812 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43800647 1900 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm NameFound Asparagus NameConfirmed Asparagus var pygmaeus Makino EOLID 10487111 NameFound Hibiscus NameConfirmed Hibiscus L EOLID 60741 NameFound Nanus NameConfirmed Nanus EOLID 73713 NameBankID 2610066 NameFound Nephrolepis NameConfirmed Nephrolepis EOLID 61678 NameBankID 2644730 NameFound Piumosus Biodiversity Heritage Library Flowers Christmas Easter midwinter and spring Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Miss Mary E Martin Firm Nurseries Horticulture Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43800647 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43800647 bhlGardenStories Hibiscus Peachblow Clerodendron Boston Fern Asparagus Plumosus Nanus BHLinbloom miss mary e martin firm nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories boston fern asparagus plumosus nanus bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16264689907 2015-08-25 00 52 55 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Miss Mary E Martin Firm seed catalog Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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