MAKE A MEME View Large Image Flowers for springtime (16502126082).jpg MISS MARY <br> MARTIN FLORAL PARK NEW YORK <br> JEAW VlflUP The Grand Double Pink Bedder <br> Soft pure pink semi-double with two white blotches Dw arf stocky <br> grower rigid stems large trusses ...
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Keywords: Flowers for springtime (16502126082).jpg MISS MARY <br> MARTIN FLORAL PARK NEW YORK <br> JEAW VlflUP The Grand Double Pink Bedder <br> Soft pure pink semi-double with two white blotches Dw arf stocky <br> grower rigid stems large trusses perfect florets a continuous bloomer <br> the plant being covered with flowers throughout the <br> season the finest double pink variety that we have <br> ever seen ; will rank with the best bedders of any color <br> if it does not prove the leader of them all ; it has an iron <br> constitution and withstands the rain and sun better than <br> any known geranium We can speak with absolute cer- <br> tainty about this variety Novelty this year 25c <br> THE BLUE TICBIPia <br> This is an entirely new species and but very <br> few have been imported in this country It is <br> an entirely new flower and its unusual color <br> and form will make it highly prized by those <br> who want something new to show their friends <br> The flower isblue with red and yellow mark- <br> ings �slightly fragrant <br> Good bulbs 12c each ; 3 for 30c <br> GERANSUBI <br> � n �� i ii �� �� �� �� �� <br> The Double Mew Life � The sensation <br> which the Single New Life Geranium created <br> when introduced in England is well remem- <br> bered <br> The Doubie Mew Life is a much greater <br> sensational departure in every way The outer <br> florets are large of a brilliant red ; in the cen- <br> ter of these appear another semi-double floret <br> pure white in color effecting a charming con- <br> trast difficult to realize unless seen and having <br> the appearance of being produced artificially <br> 15c each ; 2 for 25c <br> THE AUREOLE GERANIUM ' <br> Mad Bruant <br> The most remarkable Geranium ever raised <br> for outside bedding or indoor decoration The <br> flowers are a wonderful piece of art almost <br> startling in effect For bedding purposes no <br> variety equals it ; the plant is one of the most <br> beautiful for decorative purposes we have <br> either for window table or church Each flo- <br> ret resembles a pansy blossom They are very <br> large and remind one of a beautiful plaque of <br> alabaster whiteness veined with lake radiat- <br> ing into a beautiful aureole of bright solferino <br> �a flower of celestial loveliness <br> Price 15c each; 2 for 25c; 10 for 1 00 <br> THE BOSTON FEJRH <br> THE BOSTON FERN <br> In the vicinity <br> of Boston no other <br> plant is used so <br> extensively as this <br> graceful Nephro- <br> lepis which differs <br> from the ordinary <br> fern in havin <br> much longer <br> fronds which fre- <br> quently attain a <br> length of four feet <br> These fronds arch <br> and droop over <br> very gracefully on <br> account of Avhich <br> it is frequently <br> called the fountain <br> fern This droop- <br> ing habit makes it <br> an excellent plant <br> to grow as a single <br> specimen on a <br> table or pedestal <br> 15c 2 for 35c t 43810172 149144 77948 Page 32 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43810172 1900 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm ; Miss Mary E Martin Firm Biodiversity Heritage Library Flowers for springtime Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Miss Mary E Martin Firm Nurseries Horticulture Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43810172 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43810172 bhlGardenStories Tigridia Geranium BHLinbloom miss mary e martin firm nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-11 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16502126082 2015-08-24 23 54 05 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Tigridia Geranium Flowers for springtime Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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