MAKE A MEME View Large Image muscid fly muscidfly fly diptera prince george's county princegeorgescounty maryland bug bugs flies animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta calyptratae muscoidea muscidae hand sanitizer handsanitizer ...
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Keywords: muscid fly muscidfly fly diptera prince george's county princegeorgescounty maryland bug bugs flies animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta calyptratae muscoidea muscidae hand sanitizer handsanitizer red eyes redeyes face portrait eye eyes compound eyes compoundeyes ommatidia ocelli antenna antennae sensory array sensoryarray sensor array sensorarray sensory organs sensoryorgans mouthparts zerene zerene stacker zerenestacker stacked head compound eye compoundeye macro macro photography macrophotography droege stackshot usgsbiml surreal Muscid fly of some sort, floating in Hand Sanitizer Muscid fly of some sort, floating in Hand Sanitizer
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