MAKE A MEME View Large Image Foul pankration at Kylix by the Foundry Painter BM VaseE78.jpg Foundry Painter Pintor de la Fundición Pankration scene the pankriatiast on the right tries to gouge his opponent's eye; the umpire is about to strike him for this foul Detail ...
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Keywords: Foul pankration at Kylix by the Foundry Painter BM VaseE78.jpg Foundry Painter Pintor de la Fundición Pankration scene the pankriatiast on the right tries to gouge his opponent's eye; the umpire is about to strike him for this foul Detail from an Attic red-figure kylix Escena de pancracio el luchador de la derecha intenta reventar el ojo de su adversario El árbitro interviene con un látigo para sancionar la falta Kílix 490-480�a �C Scène de pancrace le lutteur de droite essaie de crever l'œil de son adversaire ; l'arbitre intervient avec un fouet pour sanctionner la faute Détail d'un kylix attique à figures rouges ca 490 480 BC red-figure ceramic cm 31 8 Ο ΕΟΣΕΣΕΟΣ� � Ε� Ο� � ΟΕΟ grc nonsense CAVI 4482 Institution British Museum Upper floor room 69 case 18 Greek and Roman life 399793 object history Vulci Italy credit line accession number GR 1850 3-2 2 Cat Vases E 78 own photo date 2007 User Jastrow/cc-by-2 5 artwork license PD-old-100 photo license Cc-by-2 5 other versions Ancient Greek pottery in the British Museum Ancient pankration Foundry Painter Kylixes Room 69 British Museum Athletes in ancient Greek pottery 490s BC pottery 480s BC pottery
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