Keywords: Foul pankration at Kylix by the Foundry Painter BM VaseE78.jpg Foundry Painter Pintor de la Fundición Pankration scene the pankriatiast on the right tries to gouge his opponent's eye; the umpire is about to strike him for this foul Detail from an Attic red-figure kylix Escena de pancracio el luchador de la derecha intenta reventar el ojo de su adversario El árbitro interviene con un látigo para sancionar la falta Kílix 490-480�a �C Scène de pancrace le lutteur de droite essaie de crever l'œil de son adversaire ; l'arbitre intervient avec un fouet pour sanctionner la faute Détail d'un kylix attique à figures rouges ca 490 480 BC red-figure ceramic cm 31 8 Ο ΕΟΣΕΣΕΟΣ� � Ε� Ο� � ΟΕΟ grc nonsense CAVI 4482 Institution British Museum Upper floor room 69 case 18 Greek and Roman life 399793 object history Vulci Italy credit line accession number GR 1850 3-2 2 Cat Vases E 78 own photo date 2007 User Jastrow/cc-by-2 5 artwork license PD-old-100 photo license Cc-by-2 5 other versions Ancient Greek pottery in the British Museum Ancient pankration Foundry Painter Kylixes Room 69 British Museum Athletes in ancient Greek pottery 490s BC pottery 480s BC pottery |