Keywords: Fragmentary shroud featuring a portrait of a woman with ornate jewelry. Such shrouds were wrapped ar... - Google Art Project.jpg 9096156 Unknown /collection/the-israel-museum-jerusalem/artwork/fragmentary-shroud-featuring-a-portrait-of-a-woman-with-ornate-jewelry-such-shrouds-were-wrapped-around-the-body-the-portrait-placed-over-the-face-unknown/716501/ 91 71 262 author /collection/the-israel-museum-jerusalem/ The Israel Museum Jerusalem 336006 http //www imj org il/ 1/23/2012 8 15 21 AM /collection/the-israel-museum-jerusalem/artwork/fragmentary-shroud-featuring-a-portrait-of-a-woman-with-ornate-jewelry-such-shrouds-were-wrapped-around-the-body-the-portrait-placed-over-the-face-unknown/716501/ -399 4th century CE Tempera on linen True 716501 True -300 3/29/2012 7 07 04 PM 331910 http //www imj org il/imagine/galleries/archaeologyE asp http //www english imjnet org il/htmls/page_1686 aspx c0 15162 bsp 14610 Israel Museum Jerusalem The Israel Museum Jerusalem Shroud -400 -290 Egypt 4th century CE False 0 5078125 Photo © The Israel Museum Jerusalem Object fragmentary-shroud-featuring-a-portrait-of-a-woman-with-ornate-jewelry-such-shrouds-were-wrapped-around-the-body-the-portrait-placed-over-the-face-unknown Fragmentary shroud featuring a portrait of a woman with ornate jewelry Such shrouds were wrapped around the body the portrait placed over the face f Ben-Tor Daphna H 66; W 29 cm Tempera on linen special url_id jAHUrJLZv3UHMA PD-old-100 Google Art Project works by unknown artist Google Art Project files requiring license verification Fashion in The Israel Museum Jerusalem Images from The Israel Museum Jerusalem Ancient jewellery Females with jewellery in art |