MAKE A MEME View Large Image Boucher - Jupiter et Callisto.jpg Artwork Creator François Boucher title Jupiter und Kallisto Юпите и Каллисто Jupiter and Callisto Jupiter et Callisto 1744 oil on canvas cm 98 72 Pushkin Museum 22 Ж-733 http //www ...
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Keywords: François Boucher - Jupiter et Callisto.jpg Artwork Creator François Boucher title Jupiter und Kallisto Юпите� и Каллисто Jupiter and Callisto Jupiter et Callisto 1744 oil on canvas cm 98 72 Pushkin Museum 22 Ж-733 http //www arts-museum ru/data/fonds/europe_and_america/j/2001_3000/6628_Yupiter_i_Kallisto/index php � узей изоб� азительных искусств им А С Пушкина Other versions <gallery> File Jupiter and Kallisto by Francois Boucher jpg File François Boucher 012 jpg </gallery> http //images2 bridgemanart com/cgi-bin/bridgemanImage cgi/2000 XIR 768050 7055475/47688 jpg Image by the Bridgeman Art Library PD-Art-100 Paintings by François Boucher in the Pushkin Museum Mythological paintings by François Boucher 1744 paintings 18th-century paintings of putti Aetos Dios Paintings of Diana and Callisto Paintings of Zeus and Callisto Diana by François Boucher
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