Keywords: François-Hubert Drouais, Portrait du prince D.M. Golitsyn (1762).jpg Artwork Creator François-Hubert Drouais Дмит� ий � ихайлович Голицын 1721 �1793 � � усский дипломат знаток искусства 1762 Oil on canvas cm 97 78 Institution Pushkin Museum object history credit line ProvenanceEvent 1924 transfer the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Moscow the Rumyantsev Museum Moscow LangSwitch This painting is a pendant to inv 747 Portrait of Princess E D Golitsyna 1759 by L -M Van Loo Ce tableau est un pendant du inv 747 « Portrait de la princesse E D Golitsyna » 1759 par L -M Van Loo Данная ка� тина является па� ной к инв �� 747 «По� т� ет княгини Е Д Голицыной» 1759 г � аботы Л -� Ванлоо center left Peint par Drouais le fils en 1762 accession number Ж-894 http //painting artyx ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000003/pic/000064 jpg other versions <gallery> Ф� ансуа Гюбе� Д� уэ младший По� т� ет князя Д � Голицына jpg Louis-Michel van Loo Princess Ekaterina Dmitrievna Golitsyna jpg <div align center >Portrait of Princess E D Golitsyna 1759 by L -M Van Loo<br/><small>Moscow Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts</small></div><div align center >« Portrait de la princesse E D Golitsyna » 1759 par L -M Van Loo<br/><small> Moscou Musée d'État des Beaux-Arts Pouchkine</small></div><div align center >«По� т� ет княгини Е Д Голицыной» 1759 г � аботы Л -� Ванлоо<br/><small> Г� ИИ им А С Пушкина � осква</small></div> RusPortraits v2-026 Le Prince Dmitri Mikhailowitch Golitzyne jpg </gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1762; Golitsyn D M by Drouais Portrait paintings by François-Hubert Drouais Dmitry Mikhaylovich Golitsyn Paintings by François-Hubert Drouais in the Pushkin Museum 1760s paintings by François-Hubert Drouais 1760s oil on canvas paintings in Russia Portrait 1760s portrait paintings of Russia 1762 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1762 portrait paintings from France Male 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century oil portraits of sitting men at three-quarter length 18th-century portrait paintings in the Pushkin Museum Badges of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky in portrait paintings Blue clothing in art male Embroidered clothing in art Fur fashion in 1762 Fur linings in art Habit à la française in portrait paintings Lace jabots in art Male fur clothing in art Male portrait paintings with powdered wigs Needle lace in art Originals of images from Russian portraits by Nicholas Mikhailovich Romanov Portrait paintings of diplomats Portrait paintings of sitting men with arms resting on tables Portrait paintings with globes Portraits with letters Sash of the Order of St Andrew in portrait paintings Star of the Order of St Andrew in portrait paintings Velvet clothing in art Paintings by François-Hubert Drouais with fur |