MAKE A MEME View Large Image French - Reliquary Shrine with Scenes from the Life of Christ - Walters 44247 - Three Quarter.jpg On the front of this unusually large shrine are scenes from the Life of Christ top the Presentation in the Temple; the Adoration of the Magi; ...
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Keywords: French - Reliquary Shrine with Scenes from the Life of Christ - Walters 44247 - Three Quarter.jpg On the front of this unusually large shrine are scenes from the Life of Christ top the Presentation in the Temple; the Adoration of the Magi; the Flight into Egypt; bottom the Carrying of the Cross; the Crucifixion; and the Holy Women at the Tomb On the short sides an enthroned Christ in Majesty adorns the door of the shrine and the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary is shown on the short side opposite On the back Christ and the Virgin stand with the apostles and St Martial the patron saint of Limoges St Martial stands in the position of favor on the right side of Christ The shrine comes from the town of Billom Puy-de-D�me near Limoges ca 1230 50 Medieval champlevé enamel on copper with gilding H at center finial 15 5/8 x W at top finials 18 3/8 x D 5 3/4 in 39 69 x 46 67 x 14 61 cm accession number 44 247 551 Collège de Jésuites Billom France before 1789 Municipality of Billom Sale Hôtel des Ventes Paris March 26 1886 Charles Mannheim 1833-1910 Paris March 26 1886 Comte Gaston Chandon de Briailles 1852-1914 Beaune Côte d'Or before 1900 Hector Economos Paris before 1913 Brimo de Laroussilhe Paris date and mode of acquisition unknown Arnold Seligmann Rey and Co New York date and mode of acquisition unknown Henry Walters city Baltimore Walters Art Museum Henry Walters Acquired by Henry Walters 1922 On the broad side of the reliquary featuring scenes from the Life of Christ and the Virgin a titulus depicted above Christ Crucified in red enamel letters reads I H S; Transcription IHESUS; Translation Jesus On the broad side of the reliquary featuring Christ and the Virgin with apostles and saints on the upper panel a band in reserve at the shoulder-level of Christ the apostles and saints reads in red enamel letters MA/TEUS SI/MON MA/RCIAL'/BARN/ABA PHI/LIP' BA/RTOLOMS'; Transcription MATTHEUS SIMON MARCIALIS BARNABAS PHILIPUS BARTHOLOMEUS; Translation Matthew Simon Martial Barnabas Philip Bartholomew On the broad side of the reliquary featuring Christ and the Virgin with apostles and saints on the lower panel a band in reserve on shoulder-level with the Virgin the apostles and saints reads in red enamel letters MATI/AS SIOAN/NES SPA/UL'/SPE/TRUSAN/DREAS IA/COB'; Transcription MATIAS SANCTUS IOANNES SANCTUS PAULUS SANCTUS PETRUS ANDREAS IACOBUS; Translation Matthias St John St Paul St Peter Andrew James On the narrow side depicting the Annunciation a band in reserve between the heads of the Virgin and Archangel Gabriel reads in red letters AVEM/ARIA; Transcription AVE MARIA; Translation Hail Mary An Exhibition of the Treasures of The Walters Art Gallery The Walters Art Museum Baltimore; Pace Wildenstein Gallery New York; Smith College Museum of Art Northampton 1967 Exposition rétrospective de l'art français au Trocadéro Paris 1889 Exposition d objets d art du moyen âge et de la Renaissance ancien Hôtel du Sagan Paris 1913 Memory and the Middle Ages McMullen Museum of Art Boston College Chestnut Hill 1995 Realms of Faith Medieval and Byzantine Art from the Walters Art Museum Museum of Biblical Art New York; Colby College Museum of Art Waterville; Joslyn Art Museum Omaha 2008-2009 Treasures of Heaven The Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland; The Walters Art Museum Baltimore; The British Museum London 2010-2011 place of origin Limoges France Walters Art Museum license Medieval metalwork in the Walters Art Museum Champlevé of Europe Limoges champlevé Medieval reliquaries Art of France in the Walters Art Museum
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