MAKE A MEME View Large Image Fresco Polyphemus Galatea MAN Naples 27687.jpg en Fragment of wall painting depicting the Cyclop Polyphemus and the Nymph Galatea sensously kissing in the arms of each other Also visible ram Pan flute shepherd stick Pompeii House of the ...
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Keywords: Fresco Polyphemus Galatea MAN Naples 27687.jpg en Fragment of wall painting depicting the Cyclop Polyphemus and the Nymph Galatea sensously kissing in the arms of each other Also visible ram Pan flute shepherd stick Pompeii House of the Ancient Hunt VII 4 48 eo Fragmento de mura pentraĵo kie oni vidas la ciklopo Polifemo kaj la nimfo Galatea volupteme ĉirkaŭbrakinta unu la alian kaj bu� kisanta Oni vidas ankaŭ vir� afon pajnan fluton kaj � afistan bastonon Pompei Casa della Caccia antica VII 4 48 fr Fragment de peinture murale montrant le cyclope Polyphème et la nymphe Galatée s'enlaçant voluptueusement et s'embrassant On voit également un bélier une syrinx un bâton de berger Pompéi Casa della Caccia antica VII 4 48 Museum Naples National Archaeological Museum object history credit line accession number Inv 27687 http //marcheo napolibeniculturali it/itinerari-tematici/galleria-di-immagini/RA190 SOPRINTENDENZA SPECIALE PER I BENI ARCHEOLOGICI DI NAPOLI E POMPEI other versions <gallery>File Polyphemus_and_Galatea_kissing _Pompeii jpg</gallery> PD-Art Ancient Roman frescos from Pompeii in the Museo Archeologico Naples 27687 Erotic frescos in the Secret Cabinet Naples 27687 Casa dei Capitelli colorati Pompeii 27687 Polyphemus and Galatea 27687 Polyphemus in ancient Roman paintings 27687 Galatea in ancient Roman paintings 27687 Kisses in paintings Paintings of standing couples Female human backs in art Rams in art
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