MAKE A MEME View Large Image From Deborah Weston to Anne Warren Weston; Sunday, January 1, 1837 p3.jpg Page p 3 Call Number Ms A 9 2 v 9 n 1 Format Autograph Letter Signed Extent 4 p 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 in Creator Weston Deborah 1814-1889 Date of creation 1837-01-01 Place of ...
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Keywords: From Deborah Weston to Anne Warren Weston; Sunday, January 1, 1837 p3.jpg Page p 3 Call Number Ms A 9 2 v 9 n 1 Format Autograph Letter Signed Extent 4 p 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 in Creator Weston Deborah 1814-1889 Date of creation 1837-01-01 Place of creation New Bedford MA Recipient Weston Anne Warren 1812-1890 BPL department Rare Books Transcription most wonderful of all two Miss Holmes signed Mrs Holmes was out Nothing could be so civil and the Miss Holmes were to me Dr Hawes I suspect had mollified them some I also suspect to use Henry �s phrase that they have very bushy tails I went you see from Mr Roberts � to Mr Holmes � You must not expect to find this letter very intelligible for I have a very bad headache and one of Mr Bent �s parishioners is sitting by talking in such a mean way that I can hardly bear to sit and hear him Friday night I took tea at Aunt Sally �s who had a pumpkin pie a pot apple pie made of free sugar on purpose for me I gave her the pen wiper that Ann Chapman sent she in return I suppose has given me a white handkerchief to wear on the neck They are really quite fond of me Aunt Sally admires me for being no �fraider of going to the great houses petitioning I got your letters Sunday morning glad enough was I to hear What is poor Hildreth about I wish you would send me his books the first chance Mr Bent will give you this I don �t know whether he will ask you to come down with him or not I have talked considerable about you coming I don �t know but he wants to surprise me I would give almost any thing to see you but don �t come if it is this night imprudent Much as I hunger thirst to see you I should rather have you stay away though I have thought so much of it I can hardly bear to give it up Tell Lucia I shall write to her Flickr data on 2011-08-02 Camera Sinar AG Sinarback 54 FW Sinar m Tags dc identifier 08_07_000003 License CC BY 2 0 User Boston Public Library BPL Flickr http //flickr com/photos/24029425 N06/2653128852 From Deborah Weston to Anne Warren Weston; Sunday January 1 1837 2008-07-08 15 38 03 Weston Deborah 1814-1889 PD-old-100 User Flickr upload bot/upload 23 34 2 August 2011 UTC Fæ CC BY 2 0 Deborah Weston anti-slavery letters Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script Taken with Sinarback 54
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