Keywords: From Deborah Weston to Anne Warren Weston; Wednesday, February 1, 1837 p4.jpg Page p 4 Call Number Ms A 9 2 v 9 n 12 Format Autograph Letter Signed Extent 4 p 10 x 7 7/8 in Creator Weston Deborah 1814-1889 Date of creation 1837-02-01 Place of creation New Bedford MA Recipient Weston Anne Warren 1812-1890 Place of receipt Boston MA BPL department Rare Books Transcription that no one should join till the society had approved This perhaps would meet with Dr Channing �s approbation Next Saturday they are to meet at Susan Haber �s I shall oppose it The reason they give is that a woman of bad character has joined they want no such person among them Charlotte does great harm among them I think for weak as she is she is very provoking Whether I come in the cars now must depend upon the state of the roads If there is ice on the track there is great danger of their running off Write again tell the children to write I get along well in school the scholars all profess great affection for me E Atwoods sends many messages to you Call upon Mrs Ben Rodman for she had been very polite to me Miss Anne Warren Weston H Chapman Co Boston Mass Flickr data on 2011-08-03 Camera Sinar AG Sinarback 54 FW Sinar m Tags dc identifier 08_07_000030 License CC BY 2 0 User Boston Public Library BPL Flickr http //flickr com/photos/24029425 N06/2653137936 From Deborah Weston to Anne Warren Weston; Wednesday February 1 1837 2008-07-08 15 40 11 Weston Deborah 1814-1889 PD-old-100 User Flickr upload bot/upload 08 10 3 August 2011 UTC Fæ CC BY 2 0 Deborah Weston anti-slavery letters Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script Taken with Sinarback 54 |