Keywords: FSM Logo.svg Drawing of the Flying Spaghetti Monster; crudely drawn in black version with thick lines for use on a light background The image shows a lens-like oval for the body six noodles for the arms and two eye stalks <br>The FSM fish emblem the symbol of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was created by readers of the Boing Boing website<ref name ref1 > Cite web Mark Frauenfelder DIY Flying Spaghetti Monster bumper sticker http //www boingboing net/2005/08/22/diy_flying_spaghetti html 22 August 2005 dmy Boing Boing http //web archive org/web/20051126022611/www boingboing net/2005/08/22/diy_flying_spaghetti html 26 November 2005 </ref><ref name ref2 > Cite web Mark Frauenfelder Flying Spaghetti Monster bumper sticker Version 1 1 http //www boingboing net/2005/08/22/flying_spaghetti_mon html 22 August 2005 dmy Boing Boing http //web archive org/web/20050910165907/www boingboing net/2005/08/22/flying_spaghetti_mon html 10 September 2005 </ref> as a parody of the Christian Ichthys symbol This religious symbol is not yet an approved gravestone emblem of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs FSM «� ыба» � эмблема Пастафа� ианской це� кви Создана читателями сайта Boing Boing Является па� одией на Ихтис � символ х� истианства <ref name ref1 /><ref name ref2 /> 2009-07-15 Own Original Lawrencekhoo <br> Vectorization INVERTED other versions FSM anti svg FSM Logo white svg other fields Sodipodi + other fields 1 Notes <references/> Flying Spaghetti Monster Pastafarian symbols |