Keywords: Fyodor Schechtel. Ivanovo churchl. 1898.jpg Фёдо� Шехтель П� оект це� кви Спаса Всемилостивого в Иваново-Вознесенске Fyodor Schechtel Draft one of many of the Church of the Saviour in Ivanovo http //community livejournal com/arch_heritage/243546 html Earlier than 1903 probably around 1898 when construction commenced en Fyodor Schechtel signature visible in lower right PD-Old-70 As-built photo File Ivanovo Schechtel church jpg considerably changed vs this draft Churches in Ivanovo Ascension Churches in Ivanovo-Voznesensk-Kineshma Eparchy Ivanovo Ascension Built in Russia in 1903 Ivanovo Ascension Fyodor Schechtel Ivanovo |