Keywords: Fyodor Schechtel. Nicholas and Alix chapel. 1902.jpg Фёдо� Шехтель Часовня в память дня б� акосочетания госуда� ыни импе� ат� ицы Александ� ы Фёдо� овны и госуда� я � иколая Александ� овича Пост� оена в 1902 пе� ед це� ковью Василия Кеса� ийского на углу 1-й Тве� ской-Ямской и � ововасильевской сов� улица Фучика Fyodor Schechtel Draft of the chapel to the memory of the wedding of Nicholas II and Alix of Hesse Built in 1902 on the corner of 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya and Novovasilyevskaya Street Moscow http //community livejournal com/arch_heritage/243546 html 1902 or earlier en Fyodor Schechtel signature visible in lower right PD-Old-70 Gothic revival church towers in Russia Towers in Moscow Church of Saint Basil of Caesarea in Tverskaya-Yamskaya Demolished buildings in Moscow Fyodor Schechtel Chapels in Moscow Yuliusa Fuchika Street Built in Russia in 1902 |