Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (15750308364).jpg c» £ L« <br> A CURRIE COTft <br> 130 Wisconsin st Milwaukee Wis7ffi <br> PANSIES <br> Giant Flowering Pansies <br> Pkt <br> Giant International Pansy Mixture � A magnificent mixture of <br> the finest prize strains of Pansies grown by specialists in <br> this country and Europe properly blended so as to give the <br> greatest variety of colors The flowers are of the largest <br> size and cannot be surpassed for beauty of form and texture <br> ��fg oz 75c 0 25 <br> Giant Bugnot's Finest Mixed � Flowers beautifully blotched 10 <br> Giant Cassier's Finest Blixed � Very large rich colored flowers <br> beautifully blotched 10 <br> Giant Cassier Bridesmaid � A very large variety color rosy- <br> white with dark blotches in the center ; 10 <br> Giant Butterfly � Beautifully blotched and spotted like a butter- <br> fly's wings 10 <br> Giant Madam Per- <br> ret � Shades of <br> pink purple <br> and red splen- <br> didly veined <br> and sometimes <br> margined white 10 <br> Giant Ortier � Each <br> petal has a dis- <br> tinct blotch <br> with a margin <br> another color <br> 10 <br> Giant Orchid-Flow- <br> ered � A splen- <br> did mixture <br> mostly light <br> delicate shades <br> The upper pet- <br> als are arranged <br> in small folds <br> giving them an <br> orchid - like ap- <br> pearance - 10 <br> Giant Parisian Stain- <br> ed � A grand <br> mixture of beau- <br> tiful colors <br> with distinct <br> blotches and <br> splendid sub- <br> stance 10 <br> Siant Ruffled- Mas- <br> terpiece M a m - <br> moth flowers of <br> many bright <br> colors mostly <br> dark The pet- <br> als are heavily <br> ruffled 10 <br> Giant International Pansies <br> Pkt <br> Giant Florists Mixture � A magnificent mixture of the <br> above named Giant varieties including Giant Tri- <br> mardeau sorts blended so as to produce a splendid <br> combination of colors rV oz 50c 0 15 <br> GIANT TRIMARDEAU PANSIES <br> The flowers are extra large and showy generally marked <br> with three distinct blotches <br> Giant Black � Very dark <br> Giant Lord Beaconsfield � Violet shaded white <br> Giant Emperor William � Ultramarine blue <br> Giant Fiery Faces � Red with yellow margin and eye <br> Giant Pure White � Pure white <br> Giant White � With purple eye <br> Giant Yellow � Yellow with dark eye <br> Any of the above Giants pkt 10c; 4 pkts 30c <br> Giant Trimardeau � Finest Mixed pkt 10c; oz 40c <br> IMPERIAL GERMAN PANSIES <br> Azure Blue Black Blue Bronze <br> Cardinal � Brownish scarlet <br> Coquette de Poissy � Reddish lavender <br> Fairy Queen � Sky-blue white border <br> Gold Margined Golden Yellow <br> King of the Blacks � Almost black <br> Lord Beaconsfield � Violet shade <br> White Peacoek-Blue spotted Mahogany Color <br> Silver Margined <br> Snowflake � Pure white <br> Victoria � Brilliant red <br> Yellow Spotted � With eye <br> Any of the above named varieties pkt 5c; 3 pkts 10c; <br> 10 pkts 25c <br> Fine Mixed � All colors Pkt 5c; oz 25c <br> 04 42156516 132761 65916 Page 64 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156516 1912 10 5962/bhl title 65916 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1912 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156516 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156516 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15750308364 2015-08-25 06 51 22 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1912 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |