Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16185034398).jpg c yg£j£ <br> A CURRIE CO <br> fl£ J 130 Wisconsin St Milw aukee Wis £ £ <br> PEPPER <br> Chinese Giant Pepper <br> PUMPKIN <br> 1 oz to 30 to 50 hills; 3 to 4 lbs per acre <br> Calhoun � Round slightly flattened Flesh deep <br> salmon thick and fine grained Pkt 5c; oz <br> 10c; Vi lb 20c; lb 70c <br> Jonathan � A large bottle-shaped crooked neck- <br> ed variety Very prolific Pkt 5c; oz 10c; <br> Vi lb 20c; 1 lb 70c <br> Large Cheese � Large round flattened 'with <br> creamy-white skin Flesh thick Pkt 5c; <br> oz 10c; lb 20c; 1 lb 60c <br> Small Sugar � Fruit small with deep orange- <br> yellow skin Flesh sweet and fine grained <br> Pkt 5c; oz 10c; lb 20c; 1 lb 60c <br> Connecticut Field � Extensively grown for feed- <br> ing stock Pkt 5c; oz 10c; lb 15c; 1 <br> lb 40c <br> King of Mammoths Jumbo � Grows to an enor- <br> mous size Cheese shaped skin generally <br> pale yellow Pkt 5c; oz 10c; 14 lb 35c; <br> 1 lb 1 25 <br> Mammoth Tours � Fruit oblong skin green mot- <br> tled yellow Grows to a very large size <br> Pkt 5c; oz 10c; Vi lb 20c; 1 lb 70c <br> Quaker Pie � Creamy-white skin oval shaped <br> Flesh sweet and fine grained Pkt 5c; oz <br> 10c; 14 lb 20c; 1 lb 70c <br> RHUBARB c <br> ie-Plaut <br> Pkt 5c; oz <br> Victoria � The popular red variety <br> 15c; Vi lb 35c; 1 lb 1-25 <br> RHUBARB ROOTS <br> Victoria � Each 10c; doz 1 00 by mail By ex- <br> press at buyer's expense 6 00 per 100 <br> Mammoth Red � Each 15c; doz 1 50 by mail <br> By express at buyer's expense 7 50 per 100 <br> Sow early in spring in a hot-bed and when the weather is warm <br> transplant in rows 30 inches apart and 18 inches apart in the row <br> Select warm rich ground <br> 1 oz to 1000 Plants <br> Hungarian Sweet � Grow to a very large size; exceedingly mild and <br> sweet Used extensively for stuffing We offer them in three <br> colors � -white yellow and red Each per pkt 10c; oz 50c; <br> lb 1 75; 1 lb 5 50 <br> Chinese Giant � About double the size of Large Bell Flesh thick <br> and mild An excellent sort for slicing Pkt 5c; oz 30c; lb <br> 85c; 1 lb 3 25 <br> Celestial � The fruit is small 2 to 3 inches long scarlet Very pro- <br> lific Pkt 5c; oz 20c; lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Golden Dawn � Similar to Large Bell in size and shape Color £old- <br> en-yellow Very sweet Pkt 5c; oz 20c; 14 lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Large Bell Bull Nose � A favorite large early red sort Flesh mild <br> and thick Pkt 5c; oz 20c; lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Long Red Cayenne � Very productive Fruit 3 to 4 inches long Pkt <br> 5c; oz 20c; 14 lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Neapolitan � The earliest large red variety and very productive <br> Flesh mild and thick Pkt 5c; oz 20c; lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Red Chili � Small bright red extensively used for pepper sauce <br> Very prolific Pkt 5c; oz 20c; lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Ruby King � A strong grower bearing large ruby-red fruit Flesh <br> thick and very mild Pkt 5c; oz 20c; lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Sweet Mountain � A large red variety similar in size and shape to <br> Large Bell Pkt 5c; oz 20c; 14 lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Mixed Peppers � All varieties Pkt 5c; oz 20c; lb 60c; 1 lb 2 00 <br> Connecticut Field Pumpkin <br> 24 42156476 132761 65916 Page 24 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156476 1912 10 5962/bhl title 65916 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1912 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156476 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156476 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16185034398 2015-08-25 06 52 22 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1912 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |