MAKE A MEME View Large Image Garden and farm seeds (16250605920).jpg A CURRIE CO M <br> jf UB <br> GRASS SEEDS <br> Broinus Inermis <br> CHOICE RECLEANED GRASS SEEDS <br> Add 10c per lb if wanted by mail <br> All our Grass Seeds are thoroughly cleaned free from <br> ...
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Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16250605920).jpg A CURRIE CO M <br> jf UB <br> GRASS SEEDS <br> Broinus Inermis <br> CHOICE RECLEANED GRASS SEEDS <br> Add 10c per lb if wanted by mail <br> All our Grass Seeds are thoroughly cleaned free from <br> impurities and otherwise first-class in every respect and <br> true to name <br> Prices of Grass Seeds are subject to market changes <br> without notice <br> Timothy � We offer Wisconsin grown strictly choice re- <br> cleaned seed Subject to market changes 45 lbs per <br> bushel Per lb 10c; per peck 1 00; bushel 3 25; 100 <br> lbs 7 00 Seamless bags 20c each <br> Kentucky Blue Grass June Grass � One of the best pasture <br> grasses and one of the earliest to start into growth in <br> spring Fancy cleaned solid seed 20 lbs per bushel <br> per lb 15c; 10 lbs 1 25; 100 lbs 12 00 <br> Extra Fancy Cleaned Solid Seed Free from Chaff � For <br> lawns 21 lbs per bushel Per lb 20c; 10 lbs 1 75; <br> 100 lbs 15 00 <br> Canadian Blue Grass � An excellent pasture grass for thin <br> clay soils Fancy cleaned seed 20 lbs per bushel Per <br> lb 15c; 10 lbs 1 25; 100 lbs 12 00 <br> Red Top � Thrives well on moist land and grows on almost <br> any soil It is a splendid grass to mix with Timothy for <br> meadows and pasture Solid Unhulled Seed 20 lbs per <br> bushel Per lb 15c; 10 lbs 1 25; 100 lbs 12 00 <br> Fancy Cleaned Solid Seed Free from Chaff 42 lbs per <br> bushel Per lb 25c; 10 lbs 2 25; 100 lbs 20 00 <br> Meadow Fescue English Blue Grass � A favorite hay and <br> pasture grass It is very hardy growing luxuriantly on <br> almost any soil 22 lbs per bushel Per lb 15c; 10 lbs <br> 1 25; 100 lbs 10 50 <br> Orchard Grass � An exceedingly valuable grass for pastures <br> and hay on account of its earliness and its ability to <br> recover quickly after being cut or closely eaten It is <br> greatly relished by all kinds of stock Grows well on <br> almost any soil but does best on rich moist or clay <br> lands and succeeds splendidly in shady places 14 lbs <br> per bushel Per lb 20c; 10 lbs 1 75; 100 lbs 15 00 <br> Meatlow Foxtail � Succeeds best in strong rich soil and Is <br> greatly relished by all kinds of stock It resembles <br> Timothy somewhat maturing however earlier in the <br> season An excellent pasture grass 10 lbs per bushel <br> Per lb 35c; 10 lbs 2 75; 100 lbs 25 00 <br> Tall Oat Grass � Comes in very early and grows rapidly pro- <br> ducing a heavy crop ready for cutting in June and <br> splendid grass for early and late pasture 10 lbs per <br> bushel Per lb 20c; 10 lbs 1 75; 100 lbs 16 00 <br> Crested Dog's Tail � A dwarf evergreen grass valuable for <br> hard dry soils 20 lbs per bushel Per lb 30c; 10 lbs <br> 2 75; 100 lbs 24 00 <br> English Rye Grass � Makes excellent hay and recovers <br> quickly after cutting making splendid pasture 25 lbs <br> per bushel Per lb 15c; 10 lbs 1 25; 100 lbs 9 00 <br> Italian Rye Grass � Grows rapidly producing a very nutri- <br> cious feed early in spring 18 lbs per bushel Per lb <br> 15c; 10 lbs 1 25; 100 lbs 9 00 <br> Bromus Inermis Awnless Brome Grass � It produces im- <br> mense crops on the arid plains and grows luxuriantly on <br> dry sandy land Withstands extreme drought and heat <br> and thrives in ground occasionally overflowed with <br> water When fully matured it stands 4 to 5 feet high <br> and is ready to cut in June followed quickly by a heavy <br> aftermath of splendid forage Sow from 15 to 20 lbs of <br> seed to the acre 14 lbs per bushel Per lb 20c; 10 lbs <br> 1 75; 100 lbs 15 00 <br> Hard Fescue � Splendid for dry gravelly soils forms excel- <br> lent sheep pasture 14 lbs per bushel Per lb 25c; 10 <br> lbs 2 00; 100 lbs 18 00 <br> Red or Creeping Fescue � Valuable for light dry soils Its <br> creeping and heavy rooting habit makes it particularly <br> adapted for embankments 14 lbs per bushel Per lb <br> � 25c; 10 lbs 2 25; 100 lbs 20 00 <br> Rough Stalked Meadow Grass � Thrives on rich moist soil <br> and shady places 14 lbs per bushel Per lb 40c; 10 <br> lbs 3 75; 100 lbs 35 00 <br> Sheep's Fescue � A compact deep rooted grass not readily <br> affected by drought and is especially adapted for sheep <br> pasture 14 lbs per bushel Per lb 25c; 10 lbs 2 00; <br> 100 lbs 18 00 <br> Tall Fescue � Grows tall succeeding well on heavy clay and <br> moist soils or on land that is occasionally overflowed 14 <br> lbs per bushel Per lb 25c; 10 lbs 2 25; 100 lbs 20 00 <br> Wood Meadow Grass � Especially adapted to moist rich soils <br> and shady places forming a close and compact turf 14 <br> lbs per bushel Per lb 40c; 10 lbs 3 50; 100 lbs 30 00 <br> Water Spear Grass � Grows naturally on'low wet soil 14 lbs <br> per bushel Per lb 50c; 10 lbs 4 50; 100 lbs 42 50 <br> Floating Meadow Grass � Valuable for marshes 14 lbs -per <br> bushel Per lb 50c; 10 lbs 4 50; 100 lbs 42 50 <br> Fowl Meadow Grass � An excellent grass for low wet land <br> 12 lbs per bushel Per lb 40c; 10 lbs 3 50; 100 lbs <br> 30 00 <br> 39 42156365 132760 65915 Page 39 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156365 1913 10 5962/bhl title 65915 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Bromus NameConfirmed Bromus EOLID 108079 NameBankID 2660780 NameFound Inermis NameConfirmed Inermis NameBankID 5121639 Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1913 um Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156365 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156365 bhlGardenStories Grass seeds A Currie Co BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories a currie co bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-03 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16250605920 2015-08-25 01 54 47 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1913 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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