MAKE A MEME View Large Image Garden and farm seeds (16346757266).jpg «£lC- r <br> A C U RRIE CO TO UBM; 4 t30 Wisconsin St Milwauk ee WJS 5fi <br> ESCHSCHOLTZIA <br> California Poppy <br> Showy free flowering- annuals of dwarf <br> spreading' habit The seed should be ...
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Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16346757266).jpg «£lC- r <br> A C U RRIE CO TO UBM; 4 t30 Wisconsin St Milwauk ee WJS 5fi <br> ESCHSCHOLTZIA <br> California Poppy <br> Showy free flowering- annuals of dwarf <br> spreading' habit The seed should be sown in the <br> open ground where wanted as they do not trans- <br> plant well <br> Pkt <br> Carmine King- � Color beautiful rose-carmine 0 05 <br> Dainty Queen � Pale pink the outer edg-e of a <br> deeper shade <br> Golden West � Bright yellow with deep orange <br> blotches at the base <br> nush Eselisoliolt/ ia Hunnemannia � Bears <br> bright yellow flowers freely on bushes <br> about 2 feet high <br> Finest Mixed all colors oz 20c <br> 05 <br> 05 <br> 05 <br> 05 <br> California Poppy <br> EUPHORBIA Heterophil Mexican Fire Plant � A striking annual foliage plant with <br> smooth glossy green leaves changing as the season advances to a beautiful orange- <br> scarlet The plants grow 3 to 4 feet high with many branches Pkt 10c <br> Mnrginata Snow on the Mountain � A beautiful hardy annual with green and white <br> variegated foliage 2 feet Pkt 5c <br> POUR O'CLOCK Marvel of Peru � Showing annuals with brilliant fragrant flowers which <br> open during the afternoon withering the next morning <br> Fine Mixed pkt 5c; oz 10c <br> foxglov <br> FOXGLOVE <br> Digitalis <br> Remarkably handsome hardy <br> perennials bearing beautifully mot- <br> tled thimble-shaped flowers in great <br> abundance on tall upright stems <br> Finest Mixed pkt 5c <br> FUCHSIA � The seed we offer is <br> saved from choice varieties <br> Single Fine Mixed pkt 15c <br> Double Fine Mixed pkt 15c <br> GAILLARDIA <br> Useful plants for beds and bor- <br> ders producing their handsome flow- <br> ers freely throughout the entire sea- <br> son They are excellent for cutting <br> keeping fresh a long time in water <br> Single Annual Varieties finest mixed <br> Pkt 5c; oz 15c <br> Picta l orenziana � Double annual <br> varieties finest mixed Pkt 5c <br> Grandlflora Hybriila � New perennial <br> varieties bearing profusely <br> large brilliant colored flowers <br> with beautiful maroon and or- <br> ange markings from June to <br> October 2 feet Pkt 10c <br> tialllarilia <br> 42156508 132761 65916 Page 56 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156508 1912 10 5962/bhl title 65916 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Eschscholtzia NameConfirmed Eschscholtzia EOLID 2886433 NameBankID 2560248 NameFound Euphorbia NameConfirmed Euphorbia succulent spp EOLID 20197 NameFound Gaillardia NameConfirmed Gaillardia Foug EOLID 38325 NameFound Hunnemannia NameConfirmed Hunnemannia Sweet EOLID 72891 NameFound Hybriila NameFound Picta NameConfirmed Picta NameBankID 5100567 Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1912 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156508 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156508 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16346757266 2015-08-25 06 53 30 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1912 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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