MAKE A MEME View Large Image Garden and farm seeds (16346800316).jpg A CURRIE C6 ~mk_ <br> '130 Wisconsin St Mi lwa ukee Wi <br> ROSES <br> HARDY HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSES <br> Anna de Diesbach ” Large bright rose <br> Fran Karl Druschki ” Snow white <br> General ...
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Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16346800316).jpg A CURRIE C6 ~mk_ <br> '130 Wisconsin St Mi lwa ukee Wi <br> ROSES <br> HARDY HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSES <br> Anna de Diesbach � Large bright rose <br> Fran Karl Druschki � Snow white <br> General Jacqueminot � Bright velvety crimson <br> John Hopper � Fine brilliant rose <br> Magna Charta � Deep carmine-pink <br> Marchioness of Lome � Deep rose shaded carmine <br> Margaret Dickson � White shading to flesh in center <br> Marshall P Wilder � Cherry-carmine free <br> Mount Carmel � Large rosy-red free <br> Paul Neyron � Fine deep rose <br> Prince Camille de Rohan � Deep velvety crimson <br> Ulrieh Brumes � Cherry crimson <br> Strong plants 25c each; 2 50 per doz <br> Extra large plants 40c each; 4 00 per doz <br> HARDY CLIMBING AND RAMBLER ROSES <br> Baltimore Belle � Pale blush pink <br> Blue Rambler- � The so-called Blue Rose A strong grower <br> Crimson Rambler � Bright crimson flowers in clusters <br> Dorothy Perkins � Soft shell-pink in clusters; fragrant <br> Lady Gay � Delicate cerise-pink <br> Prairie Queen � Bright rosy-red <br> Tausendschon � Large soft pink changing to carmine on <br> the reverse side borne in clusters <br> White Perkins � Flowers in clusters; fragrant <br> Strong plants 25c each; 2 50 per doz <br> Extra large plants 40c each; 4 00 per doz <br> CRIMSON BABY RAMBLER ROSES <br> Strong plants 50c each; 5 00 per doz <br> AMPELOPSIS <br> Engelmanni � Clings to stone work; foliage large five <br> pointed <br> Quinquefolia Virginia Creeper <br> Veitchii Boston Ivy � Foliage small clings to stone <br> work <br> CLEMATIS <br> Jackmanii � Rich purple Price each 50c <br> Panicnlata � Flowers white very fragrant borne freely in <br> clusters late in the season <br> KUDZU VINE <br> A very rapid grower with large leaves and small pea- <br> shaped flowers <br> Any of the above climbers each 25c except where <br> otherwise noted <br> HARDY ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING SHRUBS <br> red in fall <br> BERBERIS Barberry <br> Purpurea � Purple foliage <br> Thunbergii � -Dwarf with small leaves turnins <br> Vulgaris � Common Barberry <br> DEUTZIA <br> Gracilis � Flowers pure white dwarf <br> DOGWOOD Cornus <br> Alba � Flowers white branches bright red in fall and winte <br> Sanguinea � The dark red bark is very conspicuous in wintc <br> FLOWERING CURRANT Ribes <br> Aureum � Flowers yellow <br> Sanguineum � Crimson flowers <br> FORSYTHIA Golden Bell <br> Fortuneii � Bears bright yellow drooping flowers early <br> spring before the leaves appear <br> GOLDEN ELDER Sambucus <br> Flowers white; foliage golden yellow <br> HYDRANGEA <br> Paniculata Grandiflora � Flowers until late in fall <br> LILAC <br> Alba � Pure white <br> Vulgaris Common Lilac � Flowers fragrant lilac color <br> Persian � Various shades of lilac to deep purple <br> LONICERA Bush Honeysuckle <br> Tatarica � Flowers pink and creamy white <br> Grandiflora � Flowers bright red striped white <br> PHILADELPHUS Syringa or Mock Orange <br> Coronarius � Flowers very fragrant pure white <br> Grandiflorus � Flowers large pure white <br> Aurea � Foliage yellow flowers white <br> JAPAN QUINCE Pyrus Japonica <br> Flowers deep scarlet foliage glossy green <br> SPIREA <br> Anthony Waterer � Dwarf flowers pink <br> Opulifolia � Flowers white <br> Opulifolia Aurea � -Yellow leaves white flowers <br> Thunbergii � The small white flowers are borne very early; <br> leaves small light green <br> Van Houteii Bridal Wreath � Flowers white borne pro- <br> fusely <br> SNOWBALL Viburnum <br> Opulis High Bush Cranberry � Pure white flowers borne in <br> large clusters followed by dark red berries <br> Opulis Sterilis Common Snowball <br> SYMPHORICARPUS <br> Snowberry � Flowers pink <br> followed by snow- <br> Racemosus <br> white berries <br> Vulgaris � Berries red <br> WEIGELA <br> Candida � Flowers white <br> Rosea � Very popular; flowers bright rose <br> Floribunda � Flowers dark crimson <br> Any of the above shrubs each 25c; doz 2 50 <br> strong plants each 50c; doz 5 00 <br> Extra <br> 78 42156530 132761 65916 Page 78 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156530 1912 10 5962/bhl title 65916 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Ampelopsis NameConfirmed Ampelopsis Michx EOLID 59273 NameFound Berberis NameConfirmed Berberis EOLID 61051 NameBankID 2576514 NameFound Charta NameConfirmed Charta NameBankID 4106878 NameFound CLEMATIS NameConfirmed Clematis ser Alpina W J Yang L Qian Li EOLID 38289 NameFound Cornus NameConfirmed Cornus EOLID 60422 NameBankID 3867593 NameFound Coronarius NameFound Deutzia NameConfirmed Deutzia EOLID 11171771 NameBankID 2649641 NameFound Floribunda NameConfirmed Floribunda EOLID 5190123 NameBankID 3474597 NameFound Forsythia NameConfirmed Forsythia Vahl EOLID 61838 NameFound Gracilis NameConfirmed Gracilis NameBankID 5085375 NameFound Grandiflora NameFound Grandiflorus NameFound Hydrangea NameConfirmed Hydrangea sect Cornidia Ruiz Pav Engl EOLID 40082 NameFound Lilac NameConfirmed Lilac P Miller 1754 NameFound Lonicera NameConfirmed Lonicera EOLID 60796 NameBankID 2657168 NameFound Opulifolia NameFound Paniculata NameFound Philadelphus NameConfirmed Philadelphus EOLID 11171705 NameBankID 2649718 NameFound Purpurea NameConfirmed Purpurea NameBankID 4324074 NameFound Pyrus NameConfirmed Pyrus EOLID 11166024 NameBankID 2650359 NameFound Quinquefolia NameFound Racemosus NameFound Sambucus NameConfirmed Sambucus EOLID 38451 NameBankID 2657199 NameFound Sanguineum NameFound Symphoricarpus NameConfirmed Symphoricarpus EOLID 7020679 NameBankID 4882873 NameFound Syringa NameConfirmed Syringa EOLID 38055 NameBankID 2655523 NameFound Weigela NameConfirmed Weigela Thunb EOLID 61280 Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1912 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156530 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156530 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16346800316 2015-08-25 06 55 18 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1912 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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