Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16371031161).jpg o«£ « <br> A CURRIE COlm <br> vlS 130 Wisconsin St Milwauk ee Wis O <br> h HiY <br> ROSES <br> <br> New Hybrids � Hardy varieties in finest mixture 0 15 <br> Little Midgets Polyantha Multiflora � Dwarf hardy little <br> Roses blooming six weeks after sowing the seed The <br> flowers are produced freely in many colors double and <br> semi-double 10 <br> '- <br> Tea Scented � Choice mixed varieties <br> 15 <br> SALPIGLOSSIS <br> Salpiglossis <br> PERENNIAL SCABIOSA <br> Beautiful hardy free-flowering annuals with handsomely <br> colored flowers finely veined and penciled resembling the Petu- <br> nia The flowers are borne on long stems and are excellent for <br> cutting <br> Emperor � A grand strain producing exceedingly brilliant flow- <br> ers in great profusion 2 feet Pkt 5c <br> Finest Mixed Colors � Pkt 5c; oz 20c <br> SCABIOSA Mourning Bride <br> Annual Varieties <br> Excellent border plants producing an abundance of long <br> stemmed double flowers in many colors splendid for cut- <br> ting 2 feet <br> Pkt <br> Dwarf Double Mix- <br> ed �On 30c 0 05 <br> Large Flowering <br> Finest Mixed � <br> Tall growing <br> sorts with very <br> large flowers <br> Oz 30c 05 <br> Beautiful hardy perennial plants very useful for borders blooming freely all <br> through the season Pkt <br> Caueasiea � Flowers large pale blue <br> Japoniea � Beautiful large lavender flowers <br> 0 10 <br> 30 <br> SALVIA Flowering Sage <br> Few plants are more attractive They are easily grown from seed producing <br> their brilliant colored flowers in the greatest profusion throughout the season until <br> cut down by frost <br> Pkt <br> Bonfire � Dwarf and compact in habit producing long spikes of brilliant scarlet <br> flowers in great profusion 2 feet oz 75c 0 10 <br> Canary Bird � A new variety with long spikes of clear yellow flowers which <br> contrast splendidly with the dark green foliage A fine companion to the <br> scarlet sorts <br> 25 <br> Little Lord Fauntleroy � Grows 18 inches high and fairly covered with brilliant <br> scarlet flowers 10 <br> Splendens � Bears an abundance of long gorgeous scarlet spikes of flowers all <br> summer oz 40c 05 <br> Zurich � A dwarf early blooming variety producing vivid scarlet flowers freely 10 <br> SCHIZANTHUS � Handsome annuals popularly known as the Poor Man's Orchid <br> The flowers are exceedingly graceful and produced in many beautiful colors <br> Wisetonensis � A handsome pot-plant bearing a profusion of beautiful flowers rang- <br> ing in color from soft pink to dark brown 3 ft Pkt 15c <br> Dwarf Hybrids � Finest mixed colors 6 inches Pkt 10c <br> SILENK Pendula Couipactn Catchfly � Dwarf hardy perennial bearing pretty pink <br> flowers freely 6 inches Pkt 5c <br> SMILAX � A tender perennial climber Pkt 5c; oz 40c <br> M <br> f£L <br> T ' i 'vjP3Sv <br> ir £ t ' 'j i ~Ml <br> ' £ <br> jj J w Sk t ca 3fc£r <br> / M mA s <br> 4 hE <br> 4 iffir A iwI lX <br> W'i <br> h\ <br> � j' ffSrlff <br> fg <br> mL-W ik <br> r A» j2 <br> Salvia Bonfire <br> iS 42156520 132761 65916 Page 68 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156520 1912 10 5962/bhl title 65916 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Multiflora NameConfirmed Multiflora Small J M MacDougal Feuillet supersect NameBankID 9260529 NameFound Orchid NameFound Pendula NameFound Salpiglossis NameConfirmed Salpiglossis K Koch EOLID 60720 NameFound Salvia NameConfirmed Salvia L EOLID 38380 NameFound Scabiosa NameConfirmed Scabiosa 'Simon Greaves' EOLID 49101 NameFound Schizanthus NameConfirmed Schizanthus aff pinnatus Reeves 24 EOLID 11884489 NameFound Smilax NameConfirmed Smilax Jorge08 EOLID 3396175 NameFound Splendens NameConfirmed SPLENDENS NameBankID 5329910 Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1912 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156520 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156520 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-26 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16371031161 2015-08-25 06 52 40 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Garden and farm seeds 1912 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |