Keywords: Garden and farm seeds (16436252711).jpg CURRIE CO <br> £ L« <br> FLOWER SEEDS <br> Arcotis Grnndis <br> ANTIRRHINUM Snapdragon <br> Showy perennials unsurpassed for bedding bearing their <br> handsome flowers in great profusion all through the season <br> The new Giant varieties are especially handsome the flowers <br> being exceedingly brilliant and varied in color They bloom <br> the first year from seed <br> New Giant Flowering Snapdragon <br> Giant White Giant Yellow <br> Giant Scarlet Giant Pink <br> Giant Mixed <br> Per pkt 5c Collection of 6 separate colors 25c <br> Giant Carmine <br> Giant Striped <br> New Giant Flowering Snapdragon Venus � A lovely variety <br> with large beautiful pink flowers on a white ground and <br> a pure white throat Pkt 15c <br> New Double Flowering Snapdragon � Out of the mouth-like <br> aperture double curled formations are produced making <br> them strikingly effective The pure white flowers are <br> extra large and are borne profusely on long spikes <br> Pkt 15c pkt <br> -Choice mixed oz 15c 0 05 <br> Majus Tall- <br> Picturatum Nanunv � Choice blotched colors Yi oz <br> 20c <br> Tom Thumb-Dwarf <br> choice mixed 1 <br> foot oz 25c <br> Double White Snapdragon <br> 05 <br> 05 <br> ARABIS ALPINA � A <br> hardy early blooming <br> perennial growing <br> about 6 inches high <br> Excellent for borders <br> and rock work Pkt <br> 5 c <br> ASPARAGUS <br> Phimosis Nanus As- <br> paragus Fern -Grace- <br> ful plants easily <br> grown in the dwelling <br> house Pkt 10 seeds <br> 10c <br> Sprengert Emerald <br> Feather � A pretty <br> plant for pot culture <br> with drooping fronds <br> Pkt lOo; 100 seeds <br> 40c <br> ARCOTIS GRANDIS African Lilac Daisy � A handsome <br> hardy annual of the easiest culture bearing large <br> showy flowers which are pure white on the upper sur- <br> face with a pale blue eye surrounded by a narrow yel- <br> low zone and pale lilac-blue on the reverse side The <br> plants are heavily branched forming large bushes from <br> 2 to 3 feet high Pkt 5c <br> ASPERULA Setosa � Hardy annual with blue flowers Pkt 5c <br> Odorata Sweet Woodruff � Grows well in shady places <br> Flowers white very fragrant when dry Hardy peren- <br> nial Pkt 5c <br> AURICULA � A beautiful half hardy perennial with various <br> colored flowers which resemble the primrose Extra <br> Choice Mixed Colors Pkt 10c <br> AQUILEGIA Columbine <br> Remarkably showy hardy perennials blooming freely <br> early in the season p\tt <br> Canadensis � Native scarlet and yellow 0 05 <br> Cbrysautha � Bright yellow with long spurs 05 <br> Clirysantba Alba � Large pure white; long spurred 05 <br> Coerulea � Beautiful light blue with white center and <br> long spurs 05 <br> Glandulosa � Clear blue with white center 05 <br> Haylogensis Delieatissima � Large delicate yellow with <br> long satiny-rose spurs 10 <br> Helenae � Large deep blue with white corolla 10 <br> Rose Queen � A beautiful long spurred variety Color <br> deep rose shading to white and yellow anthers 10 <br> Skinneri � Long spurred scarlet tipped green 10 <br> Long Spurred Hybrids � A splendid strain of long <br> spurred sorts mixed 10 <br> Fine mixed varieties 05 <br> Aquilegla <br> 43 42156369 132760 65915 Page 43 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156369 1913 10 5962/bhl title 65915 A Currie Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Aquilegia NameConfirmed Aquilegia EOLID 11205314 NameBankID 2645540 NameFound Arabis alpina NameConfirmed Arabis alpina EOLID 584157 NameBankID 2648388 NameFound Asparagus NameConfirmed Asparagus var pygmaeus Makino EOLID 10487111 NameFound Asperula NameConfirmed Asperula EOLID 11283722 NameBankID 2657134 NameFound Auricula NameConfirmed Auricula EOLID 15518830 NameBankID 241260 NameFound Canadensis NameConfirmed Canadensis Kirby W 1837 NameBankID 5129437 NameFound Glandulosa NameConfirmed Glandulosa EOLID 63989 NameBankID 4549918 NameFound Lilac NameConfirmed Lilac P Miller 1754 NameFound Majus NameConfirmed Majus NameBankID 5328037 NameFound Nanus NameConfirmed Nanus EOLID 73713 NameBankID 2610066 NameFound Picturatum NameFound Setosa NameConfirmed Setosa EOLID 106889 NameBankID 3485568 Biodiversity Heritage Library Garden and farm seeds spring 1913 um Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42156369 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42156369 bhlGardenStories Columbine A Currie Co BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories a currie co bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-03 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16436252711 2015-08-25 01 53 56 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Colombina Garden and farm seeds 1913 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |