Keywords: Gauguin Rave te iti aamu.jpg Artwork Q21725228 Creator Paul Gauguin Rave te hiti aamu L'idole L'ídol The Idol Идол 1898 Oil on canvas cm 73 5 92 institution Hermitage Museum langSwitch The General Staff Building Generalstabsgebäude Здание Главного штаба 439 ГЭ-9121 Gauguin catalogues 570 394 P Gauguin 98 Rave te hiti aamu signature/date/title bottom left ty unknown Object history langSwitch provenanceEvent conveyance 1948 State Museum of New Western Art Moscow Hermitage Поступил в 1948 г Пе� едан из Госда� ственного музея нового западного искусства П� оисходит из соб� ания С И Щукина 1 http //www hermitagemuseum org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage mac/descrPage selLang English indexClass PICTURE_EN PID GJ-9121 numView 1 thumbFile 2Ftmplobs 2FVJVO9VTZFTT_234Q6I6 jpg comeFrom browse sorting WOA_AUTHOR WOA_NAME Hermitage old page <br/>2 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/28184/ lng en langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg Other versions PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Gauguin; Polynesia 1898 Rave te hiti aamu; Hermitage Polynesia by Paul Gauguin Paintings by Paul Gauguin in the Hermitage 1898 paintings 1890s paintings by Paul Gauguin 1898 Rave te hiti aamu; Hermitage Oviri |