MAKE A MEME View Large Image Gentileschi Judith Lemme.jpg artwork Creator Artemisia Gentileschi возможно с Creator Orazio Gentileschi А темизия Джентилески написала данную ка тину Юдифь и её служанка ...
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Keywords: Gentileschi Judith Lemme.jpg artwork Creator Artemisia Gentileschi возможно с Creator Orazio Gentileschi А� темизия Джентилески написала данную ка� тину Юдифь и её служанка Аб� а с головой Олофе� на возможно совместно со своим отцом О� ацио Джентилески в самом начале своей тво� ческой деятельности около 1607-1610 гг - 1607 1610 oil canvas cm 130 99 Private collection Фаб� ицио Лемме Рим Италия http //www thearttribune com/spip php page docbig id_document 4329 фото Mauro Coen other versions PD-old-100 Uploaded with UploadWizard Biblical paintings by Artemisia Gentileschi Paintings of Judith with the head of Holofernes 1600s paintings from Italy 1600s paintings in Italy 17th-century oil on canvas paintings in Italy 17th-century paintings of Judith and Holofernes 17th-century religious paintings in Italy Baroque paintings of Judith Gentileschi Chiaroscuro religious paintings Orazio Gentileschi
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