Keywords: George Alexandrovich of Russia by V.P.Mischenko (1892) compl.jpg Artwork ru � ищенко В П ru По� т� ет великого князя Гео� гия Александ� овича en Portrait of Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich 1892 ru фотог� афия альбуминовый отпечаток фи� менное паспа� ту en photograph albumen print with branded mat 14 5х11; 16х11 см Museum Hermitage object history exhibition history credit line accession number ЭРФт-26887 place of creation http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/22 +Photos/845700/ lng en George Alexandrovich of Russia by V P Mischenko 1892 jpg PD-RusEmpire George Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs George Alexandrovich Imperial photographs in the Hermitage |