Keywords: George Alexandrovich of Russia by V.P.Mischenko (1892).jpg По� т� ет великого князя Гео� гия Александ� овича 1892 фотог� афия альбуминовый отпечаток фи� менное паспа� ту 14 5х11; 16х11 см Museum Hermitage object history exhibition history credit line accession number ЭРФт-26887 place of creation http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/22 +Photos/845700/ lng ru PD-old original upload log All user names refer to hu wikipedia 17 10 2007 новемба� 26 CEST Crimea 327×400 15 Kbytes <nowiki></nowiki> George Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs George Alexandrovich Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Imperial photographs in the Hermitage George Alexandrovich of Russia in photographs 18 31 23 April 2015 UTC George Alexandrovich of Russia by V P Mischenko 1892 jpg |