Keywords: GER Bundesverdienstkreuz 8 Grosskreuz bes Ausf 218px.svg en Ribbon bar Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany � Grand Cross in Special Design pl Baretka Order Zasługi RFN � Krzyż Wielki specjanego Wykonania de Bandschnalle Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland � Grosskreuz in besonderer Ausführung http //ordensmuseum de/bundesverdienstorden/miniaturen-zum-bundesverdienstorden/miniatur-zum-groskreuz-in-besonderer-ausfuhrung/ Grosskreuz in besonderer Ausführung from http //www ordensmuseum de/bvo/index htm ordensmuseum de own based on images 30px 30px 80px LukGasz based on images GER_Bundesverdienstkreuz_8_Grosskreuz_bes_Ausf svg by Mboro Bundesadler Bundesorgane svg by Madden Cruz de San Fernando-Valladolid-COA svg by Chabacano Queninosta Grande ufficiale OSSI medal BAR svg by F l a n k e r 2012-06-22 100px PD-GermanGov Ribbon bars of Germany Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Uploaded with UploadWizard |