Keywords: Germany in XXI century. On water.jpg Stroll on water in the year 2000 Germany Hildebrand Factory chocolade Шоколад из се� ии Ге� мания в 2000 году шоколадной фи� мы Гильдеб� анд - П� огулки на воде Реп� одукция публиковалась в жу� нале Очевидное и неве� оятное 2008 год Sammelbild Wasserspaziergang im Jahr 2000 Schokoladenfabrik Hildebrand Factory chocolade A reproduction of the early 20th century scan / Реп� одукция скан бумажной ве� сии 1899 - 1900-01 unknown and is not indicated on the postcard / не указан PD-art Germany in XXI Century fiction Chocolate advertising Horses in art People moving standing or floating on water surfaces Product placement in art Balloon aircraft in art Floating People with water in art Unicycles in art Hat tipping Transport in art |