MAKE A MEME View Large Image Giacomo Legi - Basket with vegetables, flower pot and a plate with strawberries on a table.jpg artwork title en Basket with vegetables flower pot and a plate with strawberries on a table circa 1625 “1645 oil canvas cm http //www iodonna it/...
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Keywords: Giacomo Legi - Basket with vegetables, flower pot and a plate with strawberries on a table.jpg artwork title en Basket with vegetables flower pot and a plate with strawberries on a table circa 1625 �1645 oil canvas cm http //www iodonna it/attualita/primo-piano/2015/arte-cibo-mostra-bresciagallery-50212467497_9 shtml refresh_ce-cp PD-old-100 Giacomo Legi Still-life paintings of vegetables Baroque still life paintings of food Garlic in art Strawberries in art
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