Keywords: Godfrey Kneller - Portrait of John Locke (Hermitage).jpg Artwork Creator Godfrey Kneller date 1697 oil canvas cm 76 64 Institution Hermitage Museum not on view accession number ГЭ-1345 object history langSwitch Collection of Sir Robert Walpole Houghton Hall 1779 Соб� ание сэ� а Робе� та Уолпола в Хоутон-Холле 1779 credit line exhibition history 1 http //www arthermitage org/Godfrey-Kneller/Portrait-of-John-Locke html arthermitage org<br/>2 http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01 +Paintings/38692/ lng en langSwitch Госуда� ственный Э� митаж The Hermitage St Petersburg Eremitage Sankt Petersburg PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT Kneller Godfrey; Portrait male John Locke 1697; Hermitage Godfrey Kneller German paintings in the Hermitage John Locke 17th-century portrait paintings in the Hermitage Baroque paintings in the Hermitage Collection of Sir Robert Walpole Portrait paintings of men 1690s portrait paintings 1697 paintings |